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Miguel The Mammoth King

SCPS 601-700

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Welcome back! These group of suggestions were a bit mixed on how difficult it was to choose them. But without further delay, Let's begin!


Playable Enemy SCP:




Speed:Very Fast (as fast as SCP-173)


SCP-650 is a dark statue that would teleport behind people that are close to it and do this weird pose. SCP-650 will be a black statue that will be as fast as SCP-173 and can't move whenever it is looked at. That is where the similarities to 173 ends, it won't move whenever people a blinking and while it is moving around while not being viewed it will do random poses. It might not be able to move whenever it is viewed, but whenever someone blinks, but whenever it isn't viewed or someone closes the door on it so they can't view it, it can teleport behind them, doing 50% damage to the target per teleport and will do a new pose when teleporting, the teleport has a 3-10 second cooldown. This wouldn't be the best on his own against a group like a group of TRO. However, It will be a menace against TRO and everything else whenever it is with other SCPS since others need to deal with them and often close the doors on the SCPS so if 650 is there with them, well you'll be in trouble. An extra note, I know in the lore it doesn't actually harm others but mal0 doesn't either but it's been made to damage others, though haxray doesn't really like mal0 being in the game and wants to remove it, so that might not even matter, and there's definitely a model for SCP-650.



Playable Friendly/Army SCP:



Attack:can use items and weapons

Speed:Fast (normal human speed)

SCP-665 is a human that can absorb non-organic material into it's body. SCP-665 will be either a researcher or TRO unit that will rarely spawn in the game, whenever an item is around him and he can't pick it up (due to him already having an item), he can press E on it to absorb it, having him heal or even gain health. This is the same type of concept that another person did with Mr.hungry and I didn't really want to kinda repeat that but as a friendly SCP, but I couldn't find any other friendly/army SCP to replace him so I kinda had no choice. Thank you to the one who made the Mr.Hungry concept (I'm pretty sure it's kaitsedd but I ain't sure), and sorry I had to use your idea of eating items to gain health but I couldn't find anyone else to fill this role.


(Literally the only image I could find of it)


SCP Item:



SCP-662 is a silver bell that, when rung, a bulter named Mr.Deeds who will serve those who summoned him. SCP-662 will be a bell that will randomly spawn in the map. When you find SCP-662 you can pick it up and, when equipping it, you can press E to use it, then a butler will appear and in the world chat it will say "I am Mr.Deeds how may I serve you?" and the world chat will give you 1 of 4 options:1.kill my enemy (you can either specify what player it is by typing in the chat their name, can only be enemy and neutral players or it will be random but can only kill those that are enemies or neutral). 2.The second option is "heal me" and it will heal you to 100% and give you a healing item. 3.Option 3 is "give me something to defend myself" and will give you a random smg or rifle gun to be able to defend yourself. And option 4 is "make me immortal" (or something else idk), and what it will do is give you regenerating health, and maybe the health can go beyond 100% health with the regeneration. When you pick one of the 4 options, you won't have the bell anymore and it will respawn in another location on the map for either you or another person to pick it up.



Joke SCP:



SCP-609 is a collection of 6 balls from Dr.Wondertainment and whenever someone sees it, they can manipulate it using their thoughts. It will randomly spawn and whoever is the first one that views it, they can manipulate it using their crosshair in the center, what they can do with SCP-609 is: Break the windows and attack enemies, each time someone manipulates it to hit an enemy it does 50% damage a hit, that's all I could think of for it let me know what else you could do with it. Why SCP-609 is a Joke SCP is because even though this concept is cool it is VERY unlikely that it could be implemented in the game successfully, at least i think it would be very unlikely.



And that is all of them :D. The Enemy SCP and SCP item was very easy to find and I knew what i was going to do with them, the Friendly/Army SCP was super difficult to find, and the Joke SCP was decently easy to find. Anyways see you tomorrow for SCPS 701-800!


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