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Miguel The Mammoth King

SCPS 701-800

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It is now time for SCPS 701-800! This was a bit hard to do, probably the hardest in terms of finding a friendly/army SCP because the obvious one is a bit uh.. hard to implement lore and game wise, but it might be possible, other than that one there was no other friendly/army SCP i could find that would be good for the game... anyways let's begin!


Playable Enemy SCP:




Speed:Fast (a little slower than humans)


SCP-718 is an eyeball that follows others creepily and explodes..., good start. His special ability is exploding, killing itself in the process (potentially respawning too), however whenever someone gets hit by it, you can use another ability to kill that person and either teleport or respawn at the corpse, if it's multiple targets you can kill one person at a time, the ability has a 20-30 second cooldown. It will automatically explode when it loses all it's health as well. Yea that's literally all I can't get more detailed than that for SCP-718... because thats literally all it does, an eyeball that follows others and whenever it gets hurt or something else it explodes, and those that get affected by the explosion will be affected and another SCP-718 will come out of them.



Playable Friendly/Army SCP:



Attack:can use items and weapons

Speed:Fast (normal human speed)


SCP-706 is a human doll that is rather fragile to damage, but can use raw material to heal herself, she wants to go home. SCP-706 will rarely spawn in as a researcher class, it will take around 10-25% more damage to weapons,SCPS,etc. Than normal humans, but she has a special abiilty where she can heal 150-250 health, it has a 10-25 second cooldown. This is the best friendly SCP I could've find, hopefully it's a good idea and concept.



SCP Item:



This is kinda an odd one, SCP-738 is a pair of chairs and a desk, whenever someone sits in a chair, SCP-738-1 will appear to offer a deal, the "Devil's deal". It will offer one thing in exchange of something else. SCP-738 will be a room in entrance or heavy containment zone, it requires a level 4 keycard to access it, when you either 1. enter the room or 2.sit in the chair that's closest to the door, SCP-738-1 will appear and give you one of many randomly generated deals like for example: "Freedom for HP" (it will take them to the surface at gate A in exchange for slowly killing the player) or "power for life" (it grants the doomnack gun in exchange for cutting a player's health in half), and many more deals, you can either accept or deny the deal, you can only use it once a round.



Joke SCP:



SCP-702 is an item that, whenever touched, will have an entity appear that will trade with the person who summoned it, if they don't trade anything, the person will die. SCP-702 will randomly spawn around the map and someone can pick it up, Whenever they equip the item and press E, they will summon the being and you will have 10-15 seconds to trade something with it or else you will die, it will give you a very good item if you successfully exchange with it. Like a Level 4 Keycard, smg,etc. Why this is a joke SCP is because... this is like a SCP-1162 you can pick up, I wanted to make it a bit different by making it garunteed to get good items in exchange for death if you take too long. But that is why it's the Joke SCP.



And that is all of them ^_^, this was the second hardest post to make honestly, not in the way where it was super hard to find like SCPS 301-400, it was because it was very hard to have a concept that they will have in the game. But I managed to come up with decent ideas, I hope you like these ideas, see you tomorrow for SCPS 801-900



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