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2 suggestions for the server

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suggestion 1: keep the mute on in between the first map vote and the run-off vote.

Could decrease the amount of mic spam and prevents players with mics to easily influence the vote.


suggestion 2: decrease afk timer to around maybe 2 or 2 and a half mins

I have seen a few people raise concerns over afk players at the start of rounds that contribute to the initial zombie numbers.



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9 minutes ago, DraculaFairy said:

suggestion 2: decrease afk timer to around maybe 2 or 2 and a half mins

I have seen a few people raise concerns over afk players at the start of rounds that contribute to the initial zombie numbers.

I agree (suggestion 2) what @DraculaFairy wrote. I think suggestion 1 would be useful for a server.

Im dead...

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Posted  Edited by Vauff

I agree with #1, I believe it's only working that way due to the way it's implemented (hooking the start/stop of votes).


#2 is a bit tricky, since that's also the time that people have to step away quickly to do something while also still keeping their spot.

Edited by Vauff

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In all seriousness though, the first part I agree with it doesn’t hurt, but 5 minutes can sometimes be a little short and wouldn’t solve the afk  in the beginning of the round problem.

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12 hours ago, DraculaFairy said:

suggestion 1: keep the mute on in between the first map vote and the run-off vote.

Could decrease the amount of mic spam and prevents players with mics to easily influence the vote.


No. It's already annoying enough to get muted when people are trying to lead but to make the time without any mic communication longer is dumb. I know that !leaders don't get muted during the voting, but that requires admins to constantly be using !leader on maps where people are leading or needing to nag players to !vl every single round to get leader. Also sometimes the leader is not just one person, which can cause issues if the !leader doesn't say something and no one can help out.


Now with the randomized numbers, it would actually be smart to just remove the mute during vote so that things like this never happen.

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Hmm, i see your point warped, but removing the mute altogether has its own problems as some players will mic spam over the leader to get the map they want. The randomized numbers may have stopped ppl from spamming numbers, but they can still spam the name of the map.


Maybe taking away the gap between the first vote and the run off vote so that there is no increase in time muted and just have the votes back to back?


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On 5/4/2020 at 7:57 PM, DraculaFairy said:

Hmm, i see your point warped, but removing the mute altogether has its own problems as some players will mic spam over the leader to get the map they want. The randomized numbers may have stopped ppl from spamming numbers, but they can still spam the name of the map.


Maybe taking away the gap between the first vote and the run off vote so that there is no increase in time muted and just have the votes back to back?


Maybe and hear me out admins should actually start punishing people who try to influence the vote and those people who mic spam for maps won't do it as much. Just a thought if there's a plugin for leader that says don't influence votes how come I hear leaders do it and even admins themselves do it? Maybe start punishing people for it and there won't be a need to mute during map votes yeah you can say but when admins aren't on well then when they are they do it and get muted simple. 

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15 minutes ago, Banjo Kazooie said:

Maybe and hear me out admins should actually start punishing people who try to influence the vote and those people who mic spam for maps won't do it as much. Just a thought if there's a plugin for leader that says don't influence votes how come I hear leaders do it and even admins themselves do it? Maybe start punishing people for it and there won't be a need to mute during map votes yeah you can say but when admins aren't on well then when they are they do it and get muted simple. 


When the leader or admin influence by mic spamming the 5 second countdown is already over. Admin occasionally says "stop spamming" but the damage is already done.  By the time we've moved on to another map it's been 10 minutes and either new admin is on to say the exact same thing or it's the same admin who does nothing because the spam was only for like 3 seconds.

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Posted  Edited by Im_not_ninja

I dunno about Suggestion #1 because there's no stopping players to vote influence a map that they want to play or not to play, but I highly agree to Suggestion #2 because when it comes to AFKs, they either take up player slots in certain tryhard maps, or just don't want to play the game if they're infected as Mother Zombie. Because if they're mother zombie, they gotta suck it up and infect people or just watch boss fights and learn the attack patterns. The AFK timer really needs to be reduced because when I'm mother ZM, I usually see half of the ZM team AFK.


Edited by Im_not_ninja


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When you have to wait an hour to join a full server you can't expect people to sit on the csgo screen for that long. I say extend the afk timer for 20-30 mins so I don't unknowingly connect and get kicked because I wait so long and get distracted by something else.

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