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Sunday No-Nom day

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Just a suggestion, probably be unpopular with a lot of folks, but on Sunday maybe we could have the most played maps not appear in the nomlist? We play them nearly every day and if they come upon the Sunday list they pretty much automatically win.


The best part of Sunday is playing maps that aren't played as often, but if a LoTR, FF, Luffaren etc... map is in the playlist, it gets voted for out of familiarity. There are dozens of maps never played on the server, it'd be nice to see them once in a while as opposed to the same maps played Monday-Saturday.

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Very nice suggestion, I also think that on Sunday there should be maps that we rarely play on the server. Sunday is a day with no maps being nominated and many times I saw frequent maps being played Mako, Luffaren maps, FF etc, I would like that Sundays will be a rest from heavy maps (as they are still played on the server, very 1/2 days).

Im dead...

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I agree, Sunday should honestly be the day where everyone gets on and plays the maps that are literally never nominated and have fun to do so, not have everyone RTV after one round because they want to RNG FF or Minas and then be stuck playing the same map that we know will be played again the moment Sunday server time passes into Monday and in comes in the FF, LoTR, Luff map nominations.

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Posted  Edited by WheresWaldo
14 minutes ago, Fertility said:

I don't have numbers but the maps youre mentioning are like 3% of the total at best, they won't be popping up most votes


That's part of the issue. Those 3% of maps always win, and the others rarely get played. It's Sunday, and we're on Diddle, and surely by Tuesday, we'll be back at it. 1 day without them will get more variety of maps played, and maybe we can trim the truly awful ones.


There's ~450 maps, it's tiring seeing the same 20-30 every day/other day of the week and again on Sunday.

Edited by WheresWaldo

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Posted  Edited by Chewie2k

I disagree.. I think no nom sunday is currently decent as it is. Any further changes in trying to do something like this will make it even worse. Most try hards don’t even like no nom sunday and just wait for a map to pop out honestly lol.  Got to let Rng jesus decide for us 🙏🙏. Unless you want to totally eliminate most of the tryhards on sunday then sure we can steer towards the direction to become like mapae. 

Edited by Chewie2k


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4 hours ago, WheresWaldo said:

hat's part of the issue. Those 3% of maps always win, and the others rarely get played.

How can they always win if they aren't always in the nomlist


4 hours ago, WheresWaldo said:

There's ~450 maps, it's tiring seeing the same 20-30 every day/other day of the week and again on Sunday.

Statistically very unlikely


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You should consider that there are people who literally cannot play anytime cept for the weekends and removing a selection of maps they enjoy is a dick move. Trying to force the playerbase into playing in a certain manner is also cancer. Players stick with familiar maps because their experience gives them a tighter control of the game. If you want players to play something different get a mic and push them to do it. If you ain't willing to put in effort on your own behalf, you shouldn't expect anyone else to put in effort to try out new maps.

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