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[CS:GO ZE] Announcements

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As you may have already noticed, we launched a new nomination system on the server today.


The new system works by removing the max nomination limit and allowing maps to be nominated multiple times. This basically creates a mini voting system where the top 6 nominated maps are then taken to the map vote. This also removes the ability to hold nominations hostage, and gives the power of nominations to more people rather than just the quickest 6 people when nominations open.


Please let us know if you find any issues or have feedback.

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  • 1 month later...
Posted  Edited by Vauff

"unrtv" has been added, behaves pretty much exactly as it sounds and removes your casted RTV vote.


There is a 1 minute cooldown between RTV votes to prevent spam.


Edited by Vauff

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted  Edited by Vauff

Server is down until further notice because our server host is failing to push the latest CS:GO update.


*** Dec 18th 1:04 AM CST Update ***

Server is kind of back using a faked version string, it could cause issues so be aware of that. Also expect the server to eventually restart at some point to actually apply the update.


*** Dec 18th 2:42 AM CST Update ***

Server has now been actually updated.

Edited by Vauff

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

2 changes have been made on the server last night:


A brand new auto retry solution is now in place that simplifies much of the backend of the system. This should completely eliminate late retries and also the occasional missed retries due to using a more reliable solution. Because many people had turned off the auto retry due to the late retry issue, I went ahead and reset the setting for everyone. If you want to keep it off, type !autoretry again.


To support the above change, we are also now back to using GFL's FastDL (with the index being hosted at https://fastdl.gflclan.com/csgo/). Please let us know if any download issues come up from this change.

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Hey, leader is going to have a small update:


We will be trying out @Ice suggestion to improve the leader functionality: https://gflclan.com/forums/topic/68516-in-game-leader/?do=findComment&comment=325373

The only perk they'll have is that their leader will persist throughout the map if they are in the steam group. More features in the future... maybe...


Please check out this group https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GFLZombieEscapeLeaders for more information regarding it. Please also let us know if there are any bugs regarding this change.


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Hey everyone, we've recently decided that we're going to change our Discord racism rules to be in line with what we enforce in the server.


Basically this means:
- N word and misspellings/other workarounds will be an insta mute
- Other racial slurs will also be disallowed, warn or mute depending on severity/context
- Generally mild racial jokes are still fine, but hateful things will be punished for

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted  Edited by Vauff

Hi, we've made a lot of changes to the weapons on the server today with the guidance of @ChicagoBen's suggestions and his help.


In general, many of the lesser used weapons on the server have gotten buffs to bring them closer to or on level with main players like the Negev, Bizon and AK-47. Many SMGs and Rifles have seen buffs as a result of this. Weapons previously using antiboost have had their values revisited as well, generally resulting in decent buffs for them (AWP, Deagle etc.) while still having their headshot boosting potential kept in check. All shotguns got buffs, with some slight antiboost properties added on headshots.


It's likely we'll visit the idea of doing another general knockback nerf in the future to account for the extra firepower gained by new players who used these weapons, but we'll just be seeing how these changes play out for now 🙂


The values we're using now are as follows:

Damage/Knockback Modifiers:


Glock - 1.0x
USP - 1.0x
P2000 - 1.0x
P250 - 1.0x
Deagle - 0.5x headshots, 1.0x other body parts
Revolver - 0.4x headshots, 1.0x other body parts
Elite - 0.9x
Fiveseven - 1.0x
Tec9 - 1.0x
CZ75A - 1.0x
Nova - 0.17x headshots, 0.55x other body parts
XM1014 - 0.35x headshots, 1.0x other body parts
sawedoff - 0.17x headshots, 0.55x other body parts
mag7 - 0.17x headshots, 0.55x other body parts
Mac10 - 1.0x
MP5-SD - 1.05x
MP9 - 1.0x
Bizon - 1.0x
MP7 - 1.0x
UMP45 - 1.08x
P90 - 1.0x
Galil AR - 1.15x
Famas - 1.18x
AK47 - 1.1x
m4a1_silencer - 1.12x
M4A4 - 1.12x
SG556 - 1.15x
AUG - 1.2x
ssg08 - 0.35x headshots, 1.0x other body parts
scar20 - 0.4x headshots, 0.9x other body parts
G3SG1 - 0.4x headshots, 0.9x other body parts
AWP - 0.32x headshots, 1.0x other body parts
M249 - 0.92x
Negev - 0.5x


Custom Ammo Values:


Mac10 - 50
MP5-SD - 55
MP9 - 42
MP7 - 55
UMP45 - 50
P90 - 64
Galil AR - 40
Famas - 40
AK47 - 40
m4a1_silencer - 40
M4A4 - 40
SG556 - 35
AUG - 35


February 10th Update:

Somewhat helped by the shotgun buffs, a crucial flaw was discovered with the way our plugins work with the shotgun pellet system. These weapons have been disabled until a fix is in place. This has now been fixed.

Edited by Vauff

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  • 1 month later...
Posted  Edited by Vauff

Valve mutes have been disabled on the server, as we believe there to be multiple issues with the system.


Note that this does not mean you can now encourage mass reporting (whether for real or as a joke), as these reports could likely still lead to a valve mute elsewhere in the game.

Edited by Vauff

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hewwo e-evewyonye!


As many of you knyow, the sewvew c-can be quite a toxic enviwonment sometimes, and we *boops your nose* awe nyow deciding t-to take some steps t-to combat this beginnying ;;w;; today.


- Uwu speak will now *whispers to self* be wequiwed *starts twerking* t-to give off a mowe fwiendwy vibe t-to all, we *boops your nose* awe nyow automaticawwy e-e-enfowcing this in the x3 sewvew text chat by pwugin, howevew *huggles tightly* ovew the x3 nyext few days admins wiww begin t-to stawt e-e-enfowcing this manyuawwy in voice chat and Discowd too


- Finyaw fantasy and Wuffawen maps *sees buldge* have been an e-endwess souwce of toxicity and bickewing on the x3 sewvew, thewefowe we *boops your nose* have decided i-it is in evewyonyes best i-intewest t-to dewete these maps t-to weduce the x3 wevel of toxicity *huggles tightly*

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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted  Edited by Vauff

CS:GO update has broken our stuff, server will be offline until Metamod/possibly SourceMod updates


This was fixed with a 2nd CS:GO update + SM gamedata update rather than a Metamod update. Valve had actually broken plugin loading (such as Metamod) entirely in the 1st update.


LagCompensation is still being worked on.


Hours of pain later, LagCompensation should be back in a working state.


Please let us know if any more issues come up.

Edited by Vauff

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