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DonutSenpai's TTT MC 24/7 Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): Dount

SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198183208985


Admin that banned you: Im not sure but it was a trial admin

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): Ban


Why should you be unbanned?

Well the reason i was ban was because he/she thought i was teaming. the lead up to this was when me and my friend wanted to play TTT so we logged in. then we made a deal not to say peoples roles because that takes all the fun out the game. The "RDM" that i did was this. i told everyone in voice lots of times that if anyone would go up the tower i will kill them [i was detective]. i know detectives are always the first to go so i wanted to make myself known to everyone that i was detec. the only people that charged me were T. so i killed 2 of them. [they just kept coming up]. then it said i was ban for "teaming". i asked my friend when both of us got ban what role he was. he was Insentient. so the lead up to the ban first does not make sense and i dont get how people can report you if your the T when you kill them. welp my opinion. if there was a recording to this i want to see how it was sus in any way. also t people kill t people to... i got killed 2 times that way... anywho


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Posted  Edited by PapiJesu

Yeah I banned you, you massed and it seemed to us that you were feeding each other information seeing how you killed 3 t’s as a detective with no reason. Hope this helped.

Edited by PapiJesu

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I was also on the server at the time of the ban. Your friend in a report claimed to have seen a kill on the top of the tower but had no chance of witnessing it. I had sus on you from then on out and was working on gathering more proof until you mass RDMed. We had reason to believe you were teaming before the Mass RDM. And the bans are the same length 

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