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Ravioli Ravioli

Packet Loss on GFL

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Hello. For the past week or so I have been basically unable to play on GFL due to the packet loss I have been getting. It caps at around 90% packet loss and fluxuates randomly throughout the day. I have talked to multiple people about a solution to this and nothing has worked. This has happened to me at multiple houses, one with a wired router connection and the other with a wireless adapter. I tested my internet speed and it seems quite normal, and this is only happening to me on GFL. I tried verifying the integrity of my game files multiple times and that didnt work. I tried running csgo as administrator but it wouldn't let me (gave me a fatal error message). I also tried restarting my router and computer, none of which worked. I'm just looking for a solution to this. Thanks


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I would also like to mention that the var representing the client side doesnt really go above 1, yet the var and sv on the bottom representing the server side is usually spiking when i have the packet loss. Not sure what this means but thought id mention it.



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There's a chance you're using a sub-optimal route to the CS:GO Zombie Escape server.


How often does this packet loss occur?


The next step I'd suggest is running an MTR towards the CS:GO ZE IP. I made the following thread using CS:GO ZE as an example and would suggest giving it a read.



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1 minute ago, Ravioli Ravioli said:

Its been random so far. Occuring in maybe 30 to 60 minute sessions but I leave the server at least a few times during. I have random times where it works normal as well.

Hm, I'd recommend running an MTR against the CS:GO ZE IP and leave it running until you notice packet loss in-game. Afterwards, you can PM me the results and I'll take a look further.


The guide I linked should help show you how to run an MTR using WinMTR.

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C:\Users\User1>tracert goze.gflclan.com

Tracing route to goze.gflclan.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  gateway.home []
  2    14 ms     9 ms    18 ms
  3     *        *        9 ms
  4    11 ms    11 ms    11 ms
  5     8 ms    11 ms     8 ms  ae4---0.car01.wlfr.ct.frontiernet.net []
  6     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  7    11 ms    14 ms    12 ms  ae0---0.scr01.sccs.nj.frontiernet.net []
  8    10 ms    12 ms    12 ms
  9    13 ms    15 ms    14 ms
 10    15 ms    15 ms    15 ms  cr1.n54ny.ip.att.net []
 11    14 ms    14 ms    11 ms  cgr1.n54ny.ip.att.net []
 12    11 ms    14 ms    12 ms
 13    13 ms    15 ms    12 ms  nyk-bb3-link.telia.net []
 14     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 15    32 ms    32 ms    32 ms  telia-2.e10.router2.chicago.nfoservers.com []
 16    32 ms    34 ms    31 ms  c-216-52-148-47.managed-ded.premium-chicago.nfoservers.com []

Trace complete.
 This is what came up

I am currently having packet loss


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10 minutes ago, Ravioli Ravioli said:

C:\Users\User1>tracert goze.gflclan.com

Tracing route to goze.gflclan.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  gateway.home []
  2    14 ms     9 ms    18 ms
  3     *        *        9 ms
  4    11 ms    11 ms    11 ms
  5     8 ms    11 ms     8 ms  ae4---0.car01.wlfr.ct.frontiernet.net []
  6     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  7    11 ms    14 ms    12 ms  ae0---0.scr01.sccs.nj.frontiernet.net []
  8    10 ms    12 ms    12 ms
  9    13 ms    15 ms    14 ms
 10    15 ms    15 ms    15 ms  cr1.n54ny.ip.att.net []
 11    14 ms    14 ms    11 ms  cgr1.n54ny.ip.att.net []
 12    11 ms    14 ms    12 ms
 13    13 ms    15 ms    12 ms  nyk-bb3-link.telia.net []
 14     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 15    32 ms    32 ms    32 ms  telia-2.e10.router2.chicago.nfoservers.com []
 16    32 ms    34 ms    31 ms  c-216-52-148-47.managed-ded.premium-chicago.nfoservers.com []

Trace complete.
 This is what came up

I am currently having packet loss


You will need to run an MTR. A trace route only shows the latency of three ICMP request/responses at each hop and doesn't include packet loss.

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