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Cam Cam

Cam Cam's Surf Timer Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): cameronslayz

SteamID: 6561198335097087


Admin that banned you: queen

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): mic spam


Why should you be unbanned?

having a convo mic was too loud i guess


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Before I have recieved the call admin I was made aware of you and another person from other players in server 2 of you being loud, disruptive and mic spamming. When I got pinged from a call admin I saw that you/Mr.poopy head were the players I was made aware of so I took the call, apon arriving I heard you and Mr.poopy head yelling/screaming in voice chat when I arrived. I stayed in the server for 5 mins and the yelling/screaming from the both of you weren't calming down anytime soon. You were being very disruptive to other people in the server at the time. I didn't hesitate to warn with the amount of people wanting you to calm down/stay quiet, your silence is 1 hour. 



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