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LastxPriest's TTT MC 24/7 Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): Watch your back

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:13484726


Admin that banned you: can't find out, i'm banned :( but it's 2 rank: admin that acted in duo

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): it's a 30 days ban I believe


Why should you be unbanned?

I would like to appeal a random ban that I got today, now hear me out;
The situation happened like this right; I receive a warn for [NSFW CONTENT] that I judge unreasonable at the end of a round, then the map changed

I said myself, well i'll try to appeal the warn to the admin who warned me explaning to him that it's not NSFW because the 20+ prior staff members that saw it did nothing...
Then we load into the new map, I put down my spray randomly somewhere just as usual, then Bam ! Banned :(
What was my emotion at the time of the ban? I was sad, that this is how VIP are treated?

Hear me out; it's not the first time I put this spray out; I've been using this spray for 1 month prior to today and never had any problems with the entire rest of the staff either it's from the TTT of Vanilla, Rotation of the rest of the MC Staff
So, Now the 2 admins that acted in duo on this; I never seen them before so that's probably why TODAY was the day i got banned for this

Now you would like to know, what is this tag that they judged NSFW, that you say NOBODY ELSE in the entire staff warned you about prior to today? (I'll link it down there)
Now take a step-back, a deep breath and think; Is this tag worth banning someone for 1 month?


Detective Sherlock Holmes

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I was the one that banned you.


First, you were banned for one day due to failure to listen to admins. I warned you twice today for NSFW sprays, but I also warned you a week or so back for NSFW sprays of the same spray.


Please do not lie about the sprays you are using. I warned you for a different spray, one which was blurred out of two guys looking like they were having sex, but it was pixelated over the spot where they would be. I deemed it inappropriate because it was insinuating them having sex, and there are children who play on the server frequently. This was not a random ban.


I joined the server tonight after I had been gone for a while because I was told you had put the spray back up, and as soon as I join, you switched to another spray. Seeing as I had already warned you twice today and a couple times prior, you were banned for one day as stated above.


I don't think this should be appealed. Not only have a warned you, but I recall telling you to change your spray and you didn't listen before. It seems it's only important to you when you actually get banned for it.

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I am going to deny this appeal.

Anything sexual, overly graphic, or that could be depicted as sexual (including censoring or photoshopping something else into its place) is prohibited on the server. It is up to admin determination if the spray is NSFW in their minds or not. You chose to ignore the admin that told you to remove the spray. As she said, we have children that play on this server, and if it is inappropriate it is inappropriate no matter what.

Also, we treat VIPs, supporters, members, non-members, and even other staff members the same way. The rules still apply to you no matter what your rank in the game is. I hope you learn from this ban and don't repeat the same things again.


Signature by @Auralanity

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It's understandable, from your point of view;, BUT you treat customer like garbage and don't seek to really solve problems;
It is true that i also had a second tag blurring people doing WWE stuff and since I just learned that the problem took place before I even knew it was taking place
i believe that then there has been a misunderstanding because i don't recall being warned by any of them prior to my warn, probably because i was AFK when they did so, free for you to assume stuff; now from my part i'm the banned; you guys are the people with power, I'll take it and go away it's alright, I wish you to have fun and success and life

I undersand now the politics of you guys in particular (the MC TTT server) that is ruled subjectivly by admins as you quoted  It is up to admin determination if the spray is NSFW in their minds or not.

Now for your information I have 4 differents tags and the way that you put this makes it look like i'm trying to lie or defend a point which is EXTREMLY BIAS from my point of view as again you are only trying to accuse and not solve any issue here. And if you guys were running a real-life company you wouldn't go far with behaviors like this towards customers...

As again, I am extremly unsatisfied with this whole issue, and I do understand your point of view, not the way you handled the entire thing
You can make it from 1 day to permanent, because I will not be coming back




Detective Sherlock Holmes

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Posted  Edited by Plum

You are not a customer, rather you are a player and as such you are expected to follow the rules and guidelines set forward by the staff. In failing to follow a simple warning that was given, you are at fault and will be punished as according to the rules at hand. 

Edited by Plum


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9 minutes ago, LastxPriest said:

It's understandable, from your point of view;, BUT you treat customer like garbage and don't seek to really solve problems;
It is true that i also had a second tag blurring people doing WWE stuff and since I just learned that the problem took place before I even knew it was taking place
i believe that then there has been a misunderstanding because i don't recall being warned by any of them prior to my warn, probably because i was AFK when they did so, free for you to assume stuff; now from my part i'm the banned; you guys are the people with power, I'll take it and go away it's alright, I wish you to have fun and success and life

I undersand now the politics of you guys in particular (the MC TTT server) that is ruled subjectivly by admins as you quoted  It is up to admin determination if the spray is NSFW in their minds or not.

Now for your information I have 4 differents tags and the way that you put this makes it look like i'm trying to lie or defend a point which is EXTREMLY BIAS from my point of view as again you are only trying to accuse and not solve any issue here. And if you guys were running a real-life company you wouldn't go far with behaviors like this towards customers...

As again, I am extremly unsatisfied with this whole issue, and I do understand your point of view, not the way you handled the entire thing
You can make it from 1 day to permanent, because I will not be coming back





No one's treating you like garbage, but if you were warned and didn't listen then that's your fault. Personally, I have no problem with any of those sprays, but from what I was told, you were warned about the first one and kept using it. Even admins have been told to change their sprays. We're only doing what we were told to do

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