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centrix's Mute/Ban Appeal for CWRP

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Posted  Edited by centrix

My in-game name: Jokester

My SteamID: STEAM_0:1:60798076

Reason: ERP

Admin: Noot

Why this should be revoked:

I legitimately did not mean it in a sexual way, I used it as a threat in game for a joke someone said when i got arrested for kit abuse. I've never done anything before to hurt the server or intentionally offend the people who I play with daily.  You can ask anybody and everybody I play with I get on to make the server better for everybody. In my head ive never used that phrase in the way it was perceived and when I was jailed I realized the mistake and you can ask the admin who banned me because I immediately was confused. I am sorry for how it was taken and wont say that again.  Just hate that it was taken out of context and perceived in an erotic way, because i just meant it in a joking way of im going to fuck him up if he did that. for the context i have a screenshot of the comms. I've busted my ass off for weeks on the server to help the best of my ability and my fate is based on three words that in the context I didn't in any way mean in a sexual manner or even think of it in a sexual manner. I understand now and immediately when noot jailed me and said it that it was perceived the wrong way. I really am sorry.  Not much more I can say other than im sorry for breaking the rules and I will watch what I say. I care too much playing here for this to be my apparent fate.

I don't blame anybody for the ban, I understand why it happened and the banning admin was just doing their job.



Edited by centrix

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I understand you meant it as a joke, but the guidelines Koni set in place for admins states that jokes between friends in a private setting are fine, however you said it in comms, which is the most public of places. I get that you have given your time and energy to the server, however I will not show bias when you clearly violated server rules.

The ban will stay unless @Harakoniwould like to make an executive decision on this case. 

-Head of the Cult of Noot-

-CWRP Admin-

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Just now, Noot said:


I understand you meant it as a joke, but the guidelines Koni set in place for admins states that jokes between friends in a private setting are fine, however you said it in comms, which is the most public of places. I get that you have given your time and energy to the server, however I will not show bias when you clearly violated server rules.

The ban will stay unless @Harakoniwould like to make an executive decision on this case. 

i understand, I did not think of it as being erp and thats on me.

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The rulings for ERP were reclarified a moment ago and this punishment no longer applies as it had. You'll be unbanned but do note that overly vulgar language is highly discouraged on the server.


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