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zurgey's Surf Timer Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): Zurgey, Donati

SteamID: 76561198360999177


Admin that banned you: Queen

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): Mute


Why should you be unbanned?

The reason of this mute was " Racism and Mic Spam" I was chatting basically the whole time but then decided to play a funny video that was like 15 seconds long nothing was inappropriate in it this is the link to the video if you want proof

I was instantly muted without warning for mic spam and i dont understand how that is mic spam when i used my mic one time but other people can go on the mic and moan and thats not considered mic spam. Also The Racist thing I dont understand at all i never said anything racist the only thing that could kind of be connected to racism is that i said "I could sue the server for not letting me say the n word because its taking away my freedom of speach" Which was obviously a joke. But the thing that really makes no sense is when someone asked queen why I was muted and she said i was "  He Kept Trying To Bait The N word" Which is not true at all never did i once try to bait the n word you can check chat logs and i also have that statement she made clipped because it was completely false.

Also i would like to add i was trying to ask how long it was until i would be unmuted but i obviously couldn't because i was muted, so i changed my name to "please tell how long untill unmute" or something like that and she kept telling me stop changing my name but i kept doing it to different variations because i simply wanted a answer. But during this time she decided to take the time to kick me which took her way longer then it would to just tell me how long untill my unmute which was completely childish and clearly she was just doing it to try and make me mad. I usually wouldnt ask for a unmute but it got me very mad that she lied, muted me for something i think was very unfair and couldve at least been warned. Thank you.


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You were muted for Racism and Mic spam, playing that 15 second clip is concidered Mic spam in our standards, for a whole map rotation you kept saying things like "I can say the N word because im black" and "white people are racist for saying not to say the N word". You kept changing your name after I told you your mute was for an hour. I warned you 3 times to not change your name hence why I kicked. 



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Posted  Edited by Dini

Your mute has already expired upon appealing. You can also do !comms or look at sourcebans how long you got muted, included it says it in the chat.

PS: Please fix your res

Edited by Dini

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