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Role idea: Cupid

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type of role: solo
power: has a deagle that only gets two shots if missing they take 30 seconds to reload and if they shoot two people with these bullets it will lock them together as lovers and they must win on there own with cupid.
if they are a traitor or a detective they will still be shown as that role but lose the power the deagle

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25 minutes ago, Toasters said:

wait is there a cupid in the game?

We dont have it but the people who made the roles made this role pretty much exactly
Though it's pretty buggy

Made by @Clavers

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Its also not particularly good, i explained the reasons for not adding it but i'll give a full list here again.


  • When I originally tried it out it was buggy, it liked to randomly link the Cupid instead of one of the Lovers, which was frustrating. Additionally it had horrible hit detection(Worse than Marker). Its been updated since then so it is possible these were fixed.
  • The actual role is incredibly counter-productive. Its an innocent role by default, who binds 2 people together, causing them to split damage and for both of them to die if one of them does. The problem is that unless the damage split is 80% or higher, the majority of methods of instantly killing someone(For example, an AWP or a scout headshot) will still work, making it result in more of a hinderence that is hurting the innocent team than any kind of useful tool.
  • Ontop of this, if you end up linking 2 people who weren't on the same team(An Inno and a Serial Killer, for example), they now join their own seperate team, the Lovers team, and work to kill everyone else. Basically, this role has a chance of essentially creating an extra neutral evil for the innocents to deal with ontop of everything else. Wonderful Innocent role aint it? 
  • There is a convar option to make it so the people linked always become Lovers(their own team), and make it so Cupid wins with the Lovers. This is better than the Innocent option by far, however it leads to a different problem where now its basically just a clone of the Jackal, just with 2 sidekicks instead of 1. Which is honestly kinda boring and Jackal is better designed as is anyway. 

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