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tefmann's TTT MC 24/7 Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): tefmann

SteamID: tefmann


Admin that banned you: not sure

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): perm mute then banned


Why should you be unbanned?

I have been reporting this ForceItDown guy for three days now, every time he is on the server he always will say "sus tefmann, kos tefmann" for not doing anything, one time i was even afk and he called KOS on me, and people listen to him. He even did it when I was a detective and actually RDM'd me into lava tester pit. He got 1 slay, that's it. This guy is ruining my gameplay experience on the server and you guys listen to him? He's not even a member of GFL....


I know what i did was wrong but i like playing on your servers and it is very frustrating when someone is literally harassing me every time i want to play. This guy even got other people to report me. It's fucked up. I will absolutely not RDM again or rage, i will continue to report him.

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Since I'm not at my computer, I won't be accepting or denying this appeal, but offering advice and clarifying.


As far as the clarification goes, are you appealing the ban or the mute? Because you can only appeal one at a time in the appeal.


And for the advice, get evidence on the player and make a player report on the forums. We can only ban and apply punishment for what we see ourselves, not just take someone's word at face value. From what little I know, you make yourself a target as well. You continue to play at the same time as this person instead of leaving, and spamming the !calladmin function will also put a target on your back, which you actually got banned from doing as well if I'm not mistaken. Sus means absolutely nothing. If you have PROOF of him calling KOSes or false KOSes or targeting, we can actually do something about it. But you have provided no proof.


TLDR: Gather proof on this player and make a report on the forums


Signature by @Auralanity

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Posted  Edited by flying4ssassin

For the mute it was 15 minutes and it was because you said a slur in text chat. Attached is the screenshot of what you said which beisdes containing a slur was pretty toxic in my opinion. That one will expire once you spend another 14 minutes on the server. 


As Spazzin pointed out it is a one day ban. I was going through the logs, reports, and death scenes and you RDMed multiple times in a short span of rounds, some of which had reports that people wanted to be enforced and others not. Unfortunately, I do not have access to either the old logs so I can not show you why I did it. I accidentally originally banned you for too long, but I readjusted the length so by 9pm EST tomorrow the ban will expire. I hope this helps clarify why you were banned.


On the topic of ForceItDown there was only one report against him so there was nothing to be done without further evidence since voice chat is not recorded. Once you are unbanned if you are having issues with him again record clips of it. Depending on your graphics card vendor you can either use NVidia Shadowplay or Radeon (AMD) Adrenalin for saving the last few minutes of gameplay. If you have Intel integrated you can try OBS, but I do not have any experience with setting it up or using it.


Edited by flying4ssassin


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