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TheFlyingPan's Surf Timer Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): TheFlyingPan

SteamID: https:/steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198161578022


Admin that banned you: Dini

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): Permanent Ban


Why should you be unbanned?

The reason given for my ban was "Discussing getting another members nudes to black-mail them on our servers." This is completely incorrect


I joined the surf server and some random person (a kid) was talking about how he got sent nudes by someone clearly over 18 on discord. I told him that he should go and report it and not let the person sending him nudes to continue doing so.  Threatening to report it to his parents or police or GFL admins clearly doesn't constitute blackmail, but I can understand why someone might think it does. No where did I ever talk about getting nudes, nor did I know the person the kid was talking about was a user of GFL (I thought it was some random person on discord) nor did I ever say he should blackmail them. I really dont see how any of that makes sense. At the very least, I think my ban should have been temporary or atleast a warning given which there absolutely wasn't. I have never been banned off of GFL CSGO servers before so I think a first time permaban is inappropriate.

Also I never got a warning from an admin to stop talking about the subject so there was literally no warning for a permaban on my first ban.


If any of this is wrong please let me know as I am basing this off of memory and overall I didn't have any bad intentions. Just think I should atleast have a second chance here.


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Posted  Edited by ABC Japanese Dude

First of all, after thoroughly reading this entire statement. I can in fact say that this is a complete lie. I strictly remember you pressing onto Dumblemon to blackmail "the girl" in order to get more nudes. Dumblemon was very hesitant on your outrageous suggestion and saying he doesn't want to "jeopardize his relationship" with the girl. Yet you still pressed on the conversation even after using Admin Broadcast asking for you to stop. 

"Threatening to report it to his parents or police or GFL admins clearly doesn't constitute blackmail"

Threatening with ANY use of personal information or assets especially in regards of gaining benefit "aka receiving more nudes" constitutes BLACKMAILING 

We have multiple witnesses and myself remembering what you have said and suggested of what Dumblemon should do. 

I let it go after another player intervened and changed the subject. 

but I am not the one who decides your punishment, I am here to testify my behalf of my story and to correct the fabrications in your statement. 


Side Note

I was just informed that you do have a history of mutes and silences for harassment. Showing you do have a past in harassing other players directly or indirectly. 

Edited by ABC Japanese Dude

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I never told the kid to get more nudes at all. I don't know where you got that from at all. I'd like to see any evidence you have of that being true. Please show me any witnesses other than yourself who can attest to that because thats not how that went down. 


"Threatening with ANY use of personal information or assets especially in regards of gaining benefit "aka receiving more nudes" constitutes BLACKMAILING"


Are you really defending someone sending nudes to a kid? I told the kid he should do something about it as IT IS A CRIME and again never told him to get more nudes.


Again Id love to see any evidence you have of me telling the kid to get more nudes. That was literally the exact opposite of what I told him to do. Even so, I don't think it should result in a permanent ban. Again, I have never been banned off of GFL CSGO servers for anything and I'd love to know where I can find my mute history as I have no clue what resulted in any mutes I may have had. Please let me know where I can find that info. 



At the very least before a decision gets made I would like to ask the person I supposedly advised to "blackmail" his side of the story. Im going to add DumbLemon and see what he has to say.

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Posted  Edited by TheFlyingPan

ABC I don't understand why you are defending someone over 18 sending nudes to someone under 18. Is it because the person in question was a member of the GFL community and active on the discord? I mean it seriously is a felony I don't understand why you are saying telling a victim of sexual harassment to threaten consequences to their harasser is bad. If anything, even if it constitutes the definition of blackmail, which it doesn't, wouldn't that be one of the only cases in which blackmail is in any way justified? 

Edited by TheFlyingPan

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I am not required to show you anything. I've talked to fellow admins with the witnesses. 

We also gained his side of the story and you are not required to see it.

Regarding me defending this person is completely irrelevant. 

I have said my statement, my side of the story, and provided enough information. 

Again I am not the one who decides if this appeal gets approved or not. 

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Ok sounds very opaque but it is your server I guess. I atleast appreciate the opportunity to discuss my side of the story and I will continue maintaining that I explicitly never told the kid to ask for more nudes. That's honestly disgusting if I did that and even if it came across that way, I guarantee that was not my intent.  Again, at the very least, I think I at least deserve a second chance to go back on the surf server and I don't think I did anything wrong. 


Do you mind atleast letting me know where I can find my mute history? I am curious as to what my mutes have been for in the past. 

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Posted  Edited by Dini
10 hours ago, TheFlyingPan said:

Do you mind atleast letting me know where I can find my mute history?


Your next mute for anything would be 1 week



Giving people second chances is completely understandable except for in a situation like this. (From what I heard anyways since I was not there)

Edited by Dini

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Seeing that you never got back guessing you aren't really wanting to get unbanned. Denying this not only because of that but because we have multiple witnesses that say none of this is how it actually went down.

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