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Tweak suggestions for Pharaoh

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I like the pharaoh role, it think its a interesting role with a simple gimmick.

However I've been playing a bit more when there is a lower server population  (< 8 and < 12) and that kind of brought me to these problems:


First one and the biggest one being: The pharaoh is fairly annoying role to play against if you are the single T.


First off,  your role as a T,  when there are less then 8 people (especially when there is 6 or 7 people), becomes significantly harder. And especially with 7 people, it can already be difficult without a pharaoh. Having someone that can respawn which you can only prevent by destroying their ankh (which can be really well hidden in some maps), is not that fun if you are on your own.

Secondly, almost everytime you are a T in this scenario your role gets overridden. You are a glutton, executioner or any other T role? Too bad, you are a graverobber now. Your role gets overridden almost all the time if you are the single traitor and it can be really annoying (unless you were the default traitor role ofcourse). Even with 2 traitors you still have a big chance your role is just going to become graverobber instead of whatever fun role you had.


Which brings me to problem 2: Roles getting overwritten.


If the pharaoh places down their ankh, one random T becomes the graverobber and it automatically overrides whatever role that T was.  Now, if you are a basic traitor this is not a problem at all. However, this can be confusing/annoying and not fun at times, especially if you were a haunted or a glutton or some other special role. Imagine you are about to get killed as a haunted and then suddenly get turned into a graverobber, or (and this has happened to me before) are about to eat a body as a near death glutton and just suddenly turn into a graverobber. It's confusing and not fun at all. This doesn't happen often when the server is full, but more then enough when there is 3 or less traitors.


My suggestions:

Suggestion 1: Make the pharaoh only appear if there is atleast 8 players (2 traitors) or 12 players(3 traitors) players playing.


Suggestion 2: I'm not sure what the best way would be to fix role overrides, and I haven't looked at the pharaoh's code, but I say either make it prefer regular T's and if not override a role, only make it affect default T's and don't make anyone graverobber if there is no default T, or make people spawn as the graverobber instead of becoming it on ankh placement.

I don't think role overrides are that much of a problem if there is more than 3 traitors , but as of right now it can be annoying. Especially when being the single T or being one of two traitors.



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I agree with this, and would also like to add that, if possible, have the graverobber chosen at round start if a pharaoh has spawned, and to slightly add an idea, maybe make haunted not spawn as a solo t if that change hasn't happened.


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Heyo, i know you've not been active for a while so you're unlikely to see this response but:


I like the pharaoh idea and i've tried to implement it, however the convars for setting min players can be a bit messy sometimes, but it should be way less likely to happen.


As for the second idea, This is due to a bug in the code. The Pharaoh's Graverobber code is already supposed to only take normal Ts, and only take special T Roles if there is only special T roles, but due to some kind of oversight it regularly seems to target Gluttons and Haunted, considering them as normal Ts as well which is annoying. This is waiting for a bug fix and is not an intentional feature.


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