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I'm so dead

Need an Unban on TTT

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Posted  Edited by I'msodead

Name: I'm so Dead


Steam ID:  STEAM_0:1:13735889


Banned by: Karma banned which I believe Donald lowered it.


Ban reason:

I don't know what happened with Karma ban happened. I know that T died when I was T. That only happened because I called out TNT cart and pressed it almost 3 seconds later.

Sadly, I was already over 1k Karma I believe. I believe Donald lowered my Karma in order to get me banned. I believe it he did it before I could get screen shots again.

Edited by I'msodead

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Looks like your first Karma ban and it doesn't seem like you have bad history with us; we can make an exception. I recommend being careful in the future, and if an admin happens to be online and you know your Karma is low, then you are more than welcome to ask them to raise your Karma (they have a command for it).


Your ban has been lifted.  You can continue play.  Cheers!


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