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TTT Ban Appeal

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Posted  Edited by Snufflingtoast

Name: Snufflingtoast


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:123390792


Banned by: It does not say for me


Ban reason: Rdm and leave


Why you should be unbanned: I should be unbanned because at my home my parents wants me to get off so they can work and so I was gonna wait but at of all honesty they kicked me off computer and also ive never done this before so why am i banned.

Edited by Snufflingtoast

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Hey Snufflingtoast, I was the badmin who banned you. I banned you for RDM and Leave because, well, you RDMed someone and left. However I would be nice and unban you because I know that feel of parents except you lied. You were banned for a total of 3 times. Since I'm a badmin and did not go back to check for previous bans I will be extending your ban to a day. I hope in this day you take in the fact of warning an admin if you have to leave or just not RDMing. Have a merry thank.



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