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Ban Appeal by HiImCleatus

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Posted  Edited by HiImCleatus

Name: HiImCleatus


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:7328509


Banned by: @Barack_Obama


Ban reason: Consistent RDM


Why you should be unbanned: I hadn't RDMed in any rounds. If I were RDMing I would have been slain at some point but I was never slain. The round in which this occured. Someone was false KOSing the Detective which I was told by an admin was KOSable. Then when I killed the person who was false KOSing I was KOSed by the detective who started shooting at me and I returned fire and he died because he was at low health already.

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Edited by HiImCleatus

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Really, you like to say how you know the rules, but yet I get 8 reports against you 8 reports within the time I get on.  You like to quote the rules, but you literally need to stop shooting every fucking body.  Had I not banned you your karma would have.  You have 20+ bans. 


Anyways I stick by my ban.  He is just uses the rules to Rdm.  He killed a detective for kosing him after he killed an inno.

He killed me without giving me 3 warnings to test a D.  Says I was kosed, but I wasn't kosed it was called off 2 seconds later.  He told me to test.  You know test Warning 1, but I said no and he kosed me.  without giving any other warnings.  Which is agaisnt these rules he holds on to so dearly when rdming.  Anyways, I'm trying to show all the reports. Working on screenshot. 

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Posted  Edited by HiImCleatus

But nothing I did was against the rules. My Karma would not have as I was at 1039. I do have 20+ bans and you guys seem to bring that up every time yet not seeing that it's over an extended period time.  I did kill the detective after KOSing me. I told him what happened and he attacked me so I defended myself. I told you to test after you were KOSed, so that you could have a chance to prove yourself without me killing you. You also were never killed so that's a lie.
Of course there was no evidence found.

Edited by HiImCleatus

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