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" Car, knife attack at Ohio State injures 11 "

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A Ohio State University student attacked people with a car and knife, and 11 were injured.

" The suspect, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, was shot and killed by a police officer with less than two years on the force after driving into a group of people and then jumping out of the vehicle and stabbing people with a butcher knife at the school's Columbus campus, said Monica Moll, director of public safety for Ohio State University.  " - Car, knife attack at Ohio State injures 11; suspect's background probed by Alex Dobuzinskis

Some believe it was a possible terrorist attack, and the case is still being investigated.


" The attacker was identified as Abdul Razak Ali Artan. He was born in Somalia and was a legal permanent U.S. resident, according to a U.S. official who wasn't authorized to discuss the case and spoke on the condition of anonymity. The FBI joined the investigation.

The details emerged after a morning of conflicting reports and confusion, created in part by a series of tweets from the university warning there was an "active shooter" on campus and students should "Run Hide Fight." The warning was prompted by what turned out to be police gunfire.

Police vehicles and ambulances converged on the 60,000-student campus, and authorities blocked off roads. Students barricaded themselves inside offices and classrooms, piling chairs and desks in front of doors, before getting the all-clear an hour and a half later.


Ohio State University police Chief Craig Stone said the assailant deliberately drove his small Honda over a curb outside an engineering classroom building and then began knifing people. A campus officer nearby because of a gas leak arrived on the scene and shot the driver in less than a minute, Stone said. "

Terrorism suspected in car-and-knife attack at Ohio State by  Andrew Welsh Huggins





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