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Hard for me to deny the forums are a lot slower 😞 I do feel like I've seen a very good and even creative effort to improve the activity.


I think part of the reason is because Discord.  It's a double edge sword because it's something that is good for the community and I think we've been doing well with it.  It's more dynamic and has catered responses since people will be in Discord servers specific to the games they play.  If I post something here I might get an answer within a few hours or maybe a day, but if I go on Discord and say something there's a very good chance I'll get some response within a few minutes and maybe even have a active conversation spurred after a few seconds.  It's much more gratifying compared to the forums (seemingly) for most people.  Something else that helps Discord a lot relative to the forums is that Discord is a lot more friendly with mobile compared to the forums.


Our earlier community was a lot more jumbled together you'd have TF2 people talking with CS:S people, and GMOD people joining in the conversation.  The forums was the common area.  The community has a lot of history that has gradually drifted these GFL domains apart, and so I think it has made the common area a little less attractive compared to before.  I do think most of the staff members still visit at least once ish per day just whatever time works out best for them (I'm normally online pretty late for my time zone).


We do have an effort at improving or increasing the activity.  Liloz has definitely been buffing up the forums with lots of updates.  I think they have been pretty good.  He also helped along with Salad holiday events, which was super awesome and they even had forum gifts (I benefited from this too [here], which is why I have the red/white name things going on).  We just had April fools stuff going on too, which was fun [here].  I personally believe their efforts should have really beefed up the activity here because they've done such a good job, but sometimes efforts isn't always rewarded with the expectation, and so I think this is one of those scenarios.  We will continue to work on new ideas and our try our best 🙂 I hope we will strike gold in the near future.


Forums will always have a special place in my heart.  I like that things are very well documented if I were to look back at something I said a few years ago it seems easier to find and kind of interesting to lurk through the history.  You can look back on Discord, but it just seems kind of buried and disorganized, and context can be hard to pick up; it's also extremely difficult to moderate if some people want to get tricky.  I like that I can take my time on the forums and even carefully format my responses; if I did that on Discord, then I might be too slow to respond, or lengthy response could come off as spam.


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1 hour ago, Joshy said:

Hard for me to deny the forums are a lot slower 😞 I do feel like I've seen a very good and even creative effort to improve the activity.


I think part of the reason is because Discord.  It's a double edge sword because it's something that is good for the community and I think we've been doing well with it.  It's more dynamic and has catered responses since people will be in Discord servers specific to the games they play.  If I post something here I might get an answer within a few hours or maybe a day, but if I go on Discord and say something there's a very good chance I'll get some response within a few minutes and maybe even have a active conversation spurred after a few seconds.  It's much more gratifying compared to the forums (seemingly) for most people.  Something else that helps Discord a lot relative to the forums is that Discord is a lot more friendly with mobile compared to the forums.


Our earlier community was a lot more jumbled together you'd have TF2 people talking with CS:S people, and GMOD people joining in the conversation.  The forums was the common area.  The community has a lot of history that has gradually drifted these GFL domains apart, and so I think it has made the common area a little less attractive compared to before.  I do think most of the staff members still visit at least once ish per day just whatever time works out best for them (I'm normally online pretty late for my time zone).


We do have an effort at improving or increasing the activity.  Liloz has definitely been buffing up the forums with lots of updates.  I think they have been pretty good.  He also helped along with Salad holiday events, which was super awesome and they even had forum gifts (I benefited from this too [here], which is why I have the red/white name things going on).  We just had April fools stuff going on too, which was fun [here].  I personally believe their efforts should have really beefed up the activity here because they've done such a good job, but sometimes efforts isn't always rewarded with the expectation, and so I think this is one of those scenarios.  We will continue to work on new ideas and our try our best 🙂 I hope we will strike gold in the near future.


Forums will always have a special place in my heart.  I like that things are very well documented if I were to look back at something I said a few years ago it seems easier to find and kind of interesting to lurk through the history.  You can look back on Discord, but it just seems kind of buried and disorganized, and context can be hard to pick up; it's also extremely difficult to moderate if some people want to get tricky.  I like that I can take my time on the forums and even carefully format my responses; if I did that on Discord, then I might be too slow to respond, or lengthy response could come off as spam.

oh yeah its absolutely fine i just didnt wanna post messages on stuff if it was just gonna clutter up, thanks for your guys time and effort though!


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