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Fistful of Traitors Rerun Feedback

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Posted  Edited by wget


8 hours ago, MutedMike said:

Stop with the character attacks, please. I'm not dissing you specifically nor am I trying to assume who you are as a person to make a point, I'd appreciate if you don't do that to me as well. I'm writing my own personal problems about the event on a forum where personal problems about the event are welcome, and that's it. I will be refuting these attacks tho

i didn't want it to come off as a character attack, like i said i think it's fine and you're not the only one that's vocally complained about the event, i just didn't believe you came that day to be constructive


and to be clear, *nobody* is obliged to give constructive feedback for this event, it's not a crime to complain just for the sake of it (i do that all the time 🚎)


8 hours ago, MutedMike said:

I gave constructive criticism, talked about the original problems I had of the event, only to get snide remarks back, so I started showing examples while vocalizing my problems more, to an exaggerated degree (which I do apologize for), so I can show the specific problems I have. 

i can't really remember if people were really snide against you, though i guess it'd be frustrating to get told to "just stand still" over and over but that's what everyone else is told to do when they complain about accuracy (since that immediately solves their problem)


i think it was mostly lobsterpaw and i that were responding to your complaints at the time, but it was really mostly a back-and-forth of just repeating the same things over and over which is why i didn't think it was constructive

(ik there were others that also responded to you but they're not here so we'll pretend they disappeared into thin air and ceased to exist)

i didn't think we were being really mean about it, like probably the most annoying i was being was just going like "that's based" when someone says something they think is negative but i think is positive, meanest thing i said was at the end when we were on that really dogshit map (but people were still up for super late so we still had some players) that was like "oh everyone's leaving because of the event and not because everyone leaves around this time"


8 hours ago, MutedMike said:

I never said they were positive things, in fact I clarified seconds later that they aren't good things, it was a counter to the argument that was being made that camping is still as much of a problem as it is in the base game. They were problems that were also solutions to another problem, and only fixing one and not the other makes it a lot easier to notice the other. 

i guess i misremembered/misheard what you said after, i just remember being so utterly confused since it sounded like you were talking about those like they were positive things since you brought them up as solutions


8 hours ago, MutedMike said:



anyway i guess we talked about the rest of this on the discord


i guess it's kind of like a misunderstanding of how differently you have to play, like you're not really supposed to hold onto the same gun you started with, the slow reloads don't matter when you can just look for another gun like i mentioned in another post, people demonstrably aren't forced to camp like you keep claiming so, the shotguns aren't supposed to be one-shot headshot kills because they let you do fast and easy 2-bodyshot kills, the rifles aren't super powerful because the gunplay is supposed to encourage you to fight at close-mid range, you don't even need to stand still for too long to fire an accurate shot it's like 0.15-0.4 secs for pistols and 0.25-0.66 secs for rifles, etc

Edited by wget

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Posted  Edited by wget

while there's been useful complaints, i've kinda found most to be just incoherent and contradictory when you take the wider game or other complaints into account


other than complaints like saying the perfectly-accurate rifles are too inaccurate or how you missed a point-blank shotgun shot, which are just your fault,

some say that innocents pretty much just win most of the rounds now and other teams are very disadvantaged

others say that traitors are too powerful and unbeatable now and innos are too disadvantaged and can't do anything about it

some say they don't like how the guns are too different from each other and that they force you to commit to their specific playstyle

others say the guns are have no variety from each other and are just the same few guns with slightly different stats

kinda makes really difficult to figure out who to even listen to, all the complaints end up really incoherent and contradictory when taken as a whole

Edited by wget

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12 hours ago, wget said:

kinda makes really difficult to figure out who to even listen to, all the complaints end up really incoherent and contradictory when taken as a whole


me and me alone


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infected role might be too powerful, could use slower speed or make punches deal like 40 dmg instead of 50

each individual infected isn't good since most guns kill them in one shot, but you'd kill a bunch of them and a couple more will still be rushing you


plague doctor's undeads having 100 hp is also pretty overkill imo, they should just have 50 hp since when a lot of undeads are revived they have a lot of total hp

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15 hours ago, wget said:

infected role might be too powerful, could use slower speed or make punches deal like 40 dmg instead of 50

each individual infected isn't good since most guns kill them in one shot, but you'd kill a bunch of them and a couple more will still be rushing you


plague doctor's undeads having 100 hp is also pretty overkill imo, they should just have 50 hp since when a lot of undeads are revived they have a lot of total hp

slow moving infected +10


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