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Unaverage Joe

Make Gambler More Interesting by Diversifying Its Suitcase

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Posted  Edited by Unaverage Joe

Gambler in its current state is just a T shop equipment printer(except for actually useful things like radar and armor), which makes it not very unique as it is just essentially a normal traitor with infinite credits, and when compared with other traitor role abilities it doesn't change playstyle that much.

This is based on my assumption that the suitcase works by granting a random item from a selected shop, but my suggestion let the gambler choose a randomized playstyle by:

  1. Make Gambler's suitcase linked to their own shop, except the role itself can not purchase or get credits to use the shop, allowing the user to see what are the possible equipment are obtainable from its case. (Starting armor and radar would be helpful unless those are fixed to be obtainable from suitcases)
  2. Add more gear from other roles, such as Jackal's golden dragon or low tier gear from Randy and Serial. (Excluding the chicken egg)
  3. Either add a RARE chance, or a separate suitcase usable only to gambler for getting role exclusive starting equipment, such as Sidekick gun, Mesmerist defib, Serial's knife, Randomat, DNA scanner, etc. (Even items from unavailable special roles can be used)

Of course, the suitcase timer would have to be increased to compensate for this new ability, but in turn these changes would make gambler a much unique role, being able to roll a dice and see what different role you will be playing similarly as.

AKA randy but good

Edited by Unaverage Joe

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i think your view on gambler is valid, and i don't hate the ideas here, but i think that it's perfectly fine the way it is and reworking it in this would be unnecessarily complicated.


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100% agree with ya joe, gambler is just worse traitor as it is rn. the only fun comes from giving others suitcases as bribes or just get innos kosed for having t items

Reach for the stars, there you will find pie.

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I feel giving gambler a chance for SK/Rando items would be a problem, as that effectively gets rid of the reason SK was made in the first place(for items too OP for Ts to get). 


Ill look into potentially more interesting items for Gambler however.

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