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The 2023 Surf Tournament

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Welcome to the 2023 GFL Surf Tournament!

All information can be found on our landing page: https://surf.gflclan.com/tournament


Base Prize Pool: $1,500 USD

COMMUNITY DONATIONS ARE NOW OPEN: https://surf.gflclan.com/tournament/donate

All incoming donations will be broadcast on stream and in our Discord: https://discord.gg/GFL


Introducing the Invite-Only Roster of Players

We're happy to introduce you all to this tournament's iteration of the 12 player invite-only roster and their map picks:

  • Liquidator - surf_botanica
  • bzukey - surf_n_turf
  • ApeXe - surf_apollo
  • Frozoni - surf_primero_njv
  • da - surf_lowestbidder
  • dawn - surf_tronic_njv
  • vhiln - surf_anoobis
  • Julien - surf_fornax
  • noti - surf_sandtrap
  • rossberg - surf_porn_fix
  • ellyever - surf_tendies
  • Benowy - surf_occur




Qualifiers Cut Off Date

We will be selecting and announcing the qualifier roster this coming weekend. If you'd like a chance to compete at the main event, please do not forget to apply before the coming weekend: https://forms.gle/2qHSsmG7N63JomNbA 

Discord: Infra#0001 | Steam: /id/infra- | GitHub: /1zc

Ex-Gamer for Life




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