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MoldyToaster40's TTT Rotation Mute/Ban Appeal

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Name: Reagan~


Steam ID (or steam profile link): Reagan~


Banned by: Tfallen ?


Ban Reason: Racism


Why should you be unbanned

After seeing what the multiverse offers, I have made a startling discovery. Everyone I shot, danced on, and even said was a canon event. As Miguel, also known  as Spider-Man 2099 explained to Miles, The webs that hold each dimension together are known as the canon. Everything happens for a reason. I was meant to be banned. However, I don't believe canon bullshit, I make my own canon. So I'm here to ask you (Alpha), unban me. The fate of the multiverse depends on you. If you don't unban I will cry (I'll actually become spot and start murdering countless earths until I am unbanned).



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unless you are directly related to/or involved in the events that caused the mute to take place please dont comment on other peoples appeals. 

As for you Reagan, make an appeal thats not a joke, take some responsibility for your actions. Until you understand what you did was wrong and convey that message in a mature way im not going to be comfortable removing your mute. Just because time has passed doesnt mean change has happened.


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