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zayrules05's Surf Timer Mute/Ban Appeal

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Posted  Edited by zayrules05

Steam Name(s): byemotivation

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:5116427856561198983551299


Admin that banned you: AutoMod

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): Mute


Why should you be unbanned?


I read chat and I thought it said the command for nightvision was !niv I made a typo and hit the g instead of v. It was by mistake and I appolgize for the inconvenience. If I'm not unmuted I completely understand because you can actually just type !nightvision. Thank you have a good day.


Edited by zayrules05

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Accidents happen, command is !nvg or !nv for night vision (you can use !nvs for night vision settings as well). 

I went ahead and removed the mute, should be able to talk/type now if not just rejoin 👍

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