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Nix's Surf Timer Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): Nix

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:713969051


Admin that banned you: Don't know

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): Mute


Why should you be unbanned?

Hello there.


I just want to make this appeal because i just got muted on CS:GO Surf Timer server for no reason. Before the map change, i was talking with Rosie and when the Map Time got to 0, the map change and when i was trying to keep my talking, i watch the chat and found out i was muted for 24 hours for "Racism", even tho i never said something racist because i littlely was talking about project and my ex companie, so yeah.


Please get me unmuted, thanks!

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I watched the clip provided by the admin that muted you. There was no error in this mute and you know what you said.

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I was literally never racist. My first language is Spanish, I don't speak English fluently, she heard something that I never said, plus there was no context for anything.


Also, if I made a racist comment, I would have accepted the mute without any problem, because I know perfectly well that it's only for 24 hours, but I really don't deserve it because I never said anything racist at all, I'm not like that, I'm not that kind of person.

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Posted  Edited by Nix

I would not appeal for a 24-hour mute if I had deserved it, however I know perfectly well that I never said anything racist. That's why I took the time to create an account in this forum, verify my profile and everything to be able to appeal a sanction that I literally don't deserve.


What bothers me the most about this whole situation is that now I have a mute on my record for something I literally never did, it's unfair and it leads me to the conclusion that I don't have to speak much on Voice Chat, because maybe I say a bad word without intentions.


Anyway, I repeat: unfair.


And the craziest thing about all of this is that I'm not the only person who knows this. Many people inside the server know perfectly well that I never said anything racist, an example would be: Rosiecutioner who was there at the time I was muted.


It's unfair, literally.

Edited by Nix

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Oh and if you can, please show me the clip, i want to see it myself.

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Posted  Edited by Dini

Not needed, the mute will expire in a day.


After some more elaboration from his friend it was clear he said something else that sounded very close to what the admin thought. I removed the silenced.

Edited by Dini

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