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Dominic White

Dominic White's Surf Timer Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): Dominic White

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:208084472


Admin that banned you: unknown

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): mute/gag


Why should you be unbanned?

The chat spam i posted did not show a sign of being explicitly racist. All it said was "Braindead N***** Go watch TV or something" which does not imply that its a racist remark. I understand why it seems like it could be racist and i am willing to remove the chat spam from my keybind in order to support the lack of racism in the GFL Community. 

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Yeah I'm not sure what you were expecting from this. Anyways the silence will expire in a day, I would recommend removing the bind before it gets you muted again in the future (for longer).

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