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LonnieQp's Surf Timer Mute/Ban Appeal

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Posted  Edited by LonnieQp

Steam Name(s): Kick.com/LonnieQp

SteamID: STEAM_1:1:67137553


Admin that banned you: Deli

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): First it was a week mute then ban


Why should you be unbanned?


I should be unbanned from this server because other than logging into my other account after facing mod abuse I did nothing wrong, all I did was promote and stream the server so in reality I’m helping the server out and had multiple people join the server bc the people were coo but what happened was I said [censored] in a sentence when I was speaking because I am black so naturally I say it sometimes and didn’t know it was a problem I just started playing surf servers not even a week ago so I’m still learning and adjusting to the surf comm but when I said [censored] the girl deli said in a rude ass way don’t say that and I’m like why I’m black who are you to tell me what I can and can’t say etc and at the time I didn’t know it was an admin but I’m like why can’t I say [censored] especially if I’m not saying it in a vulgar way I’m just speaking how I normally speak but then there’s people in the server talking about being pedos, saying slurs like “[censored]” and “[censored]” but I never even heard that admin give anyone else not even a warning and it’s all on stream btw everything that happened is still in the vod if whoever wants to rewatch it and I even told the girl how can you tell me to not say [censored] but then there’s all these people making actual racist remarks aswell as saying slurs to gay people it was very odd and then after I said that I got muted for 1440 minutes and that’s when I logged into my other account and reconnected and it wasn’t like I rejoined and was talking shit to the girl I rejoined and just started surfing like I was doing before she banned me all I was doing was minding my business and talking to people in the server and that’s when I got perma banned (when I rejoined the second time I also did not say [censored] once while being in the server I was just talking to people)


Edited by LonnieQp


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Okay, no. Here's some actual context. 


I banned you because after you were silenced by Deli, you mute evaded on another account and stood in the server for a little bit. This is a severe violation of the rules, and this results in that account getting permanently banned. However, I believe you tried to join back on your main, but SourceSleuth caught you and now it is permanently banned. As for saying the n word, even though it is part of your normal vocabulary, you aren't allowed to say it here, and admins don't have to give a warning for it. Some do, but they don't have to. You were most likely silenced because of saying that multiple times. 

Steam: ItzTropicalx | Discord: itztropicalx


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When you enter a server you pretty much agree to their rules. The admins only follow the rules just as everyone else. Correct thing to do in your situation is to appeal when you were originally muted instead you evaded the mute by instantly switching accounts. Mute or ban evading is always a permanent ban with no chances at an unban. 

Find another place to surf I guess 👍

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