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Killa4's Surf Timer Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): SIMPLY ORANGE

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:536213737


Admin that banned you: dini

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): server ban


Why should you be unbanned?

HELLO i was playing surf till 1 am yesterday and i got muted because i said something homophobic ig but everyone else was so i thought it was ok there was a admin on deli was the name of the admin she didnt mute anyone else just gave them warnings i learned that what i did was wrong i got perm banned for evading because i was using a mac adress changer for rainbow six siege because i was spoofing because i cheat on rainbow six siege and i guess it thought i was evading i swtg i didnt do anything purposely

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You were banned in mistake on my part, wasn't due to any of the other stuff. It is worth noting however that your mute was extended from past actions. Currently the silence will expire in 1 week which after turns into 1 month if actions are repeated. 

I removed the bans but the silence will remain till it expires (1 week from last night). You can view your mutes here if you need: https://sourcebans.gflclan.com/index.php?p=commslist&searchText=536213737&Submit=Search

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