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KholaTheKid's Surf Timer Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): khola

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:176303974


Admin that banned you: Akott/Amy

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): Permanent Mute & Gag


Why should you be unbanned?

I made a joke that I thought was pretty harmless. It wasn't meant to target anyone specifically or hurt anyone. 

I know I was given one last chance, but I feel I didn't do anything too bad compared to what I did say when I got perma'd. It wasn't like I was tryna cause harm to someone on the server or cause drama.

I was just making a joke to one of my boys. Sorry if it triggered someone. I know I did bait half of the word "negro". But I didn't mean for it to come off as an insult.

My goal wasn't to try be some shocking surf dude, it was just a joke I wanted to make with a friend.

I can't deny what I said in the joke because I know what I was doing and I know what I said. I might've "crossed" the line a tiny bit with it.

Really, if I wasn't perma muted before, and muted for a week, and a month. The mute should only be a day I reckon because some people drop racial slurs and only get a day. I'm not saying to let shit slide, I'm just saying that, is it really that bad to be permanent? I'd understand a week or a month. But a perma just kinda seems like a stretch for something that didn't matter a whole lot and I nearly forgot I said 5 minutes after I said it, even acknowledging it was my last straw.


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Yes it is that bad, you have plenty of mutes and have had plenty of second chances. Maybe if you didn't make so many bad decisions it wouldn't be up to a permanent but rather 1 day which is where we start with baiting. I see no reason to unsilence you or lessen the silence.

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Posted  Edited by KholaTheKid - Edit Reason: I misspelled some shit.
55 minutes ago, Dini said:

Yes it is that bad, you have plenty of mutes and have had plenty of second chances. Maybe if you didn't make so many bad decisions it wouldn't be up to a permanent but rather 1 day which is where we start with baiting. I see no reason to unsilence you or lessen the silence.

I mean, I don't see anything that was as bad as other shit that people said before. You think me making 1 joke about growing knee's and black basketball players that lasted no longer that 10 seconds is as bad as Henry Ford's racist tangents? I mean, I know I got a history on the server. But did you hear me starting drama on the server since my last perma mute?

Like man, there isn't much for me to say other than I'm sorry. But you saying "Yes it is that bad" Sounds as if you're putting me at the level of Kissable making his GFL joke, or as bad as Bunny creating drama on the server, or Nick4k threatening, and stalking peoples profiles. It's extremely stupid to blow my 10 second joke that no more than 10 people heard, that most of them forgot by now, out of proportion. 


I like GFL, I got homies on the server who I fuck with. I like the server, it runs smoother than any other server I've surfed on. And I don't wanna do anything to tarnish the server. As I mentioned, my joke is something that is so miniscule and shouldn't even matter. Like I said, I know I got a history, I'm not gonna deny it. I know I'm lucky to have been giving a second chance after slandering Plank's name. But, did I do anything like that since? Shit no I didn't. I know I still got some improving to do, and it's happening. But it's going at a pace that I'm comfortable with. And that's almost completely irrelevant to the application. My point being though is that, I know my reputation and image isn't the cleanest. Hence the denied admin application, and the previous mutes. But I'm different to who I was back then. Might not seem like it, but there has been growth. I know I can say edgy shit, but it's csgo, since when do other people not say edgy stuff? I'm not gonna make myself sound like a saint who can do no wrong, nor am I gonna justify the shit I've said in the past. Because I can't, there really is no excuse for the shit I got muted for before a year ago, and almost 3 years ago. I seriously don't know what else to say other than I'm sorry, and that I won't make a racist joke next time. I hope you can understand that I truly meant no harm by the joke, and it's something that was just there to get some laughs. That's all there is to it.


Obviously if I had no record, that would probably just be a 1 day mute. But I got a history. And obviously since my last mute, I haven't said slanderous shit about someone since then. And with that, I still feel I'm doing good with that second chance you gave me. The racist joke was something I feel is something that shouldn't be looked that deep into. That it's literally just a joke, and nothing more than that. I hope you can understand what I'm truly tryna get at.

Edited by KholaTheKid
I misspelled some shit.


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Yeah well the silence will remain, no reason to unmute someone for them to continue doing things they have gotten second chances for in the past.

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