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jBaps's Surf Timer Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): jBaps

SteamID: 76561198880439500


Admin that banned you: I literally don’t know

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): i literally just got muted for 43,000 minutes for i don’t know


Why should you be unbanned?

I literally just want to talk, i don’t know why i got muted, if there is a clip, please provide 

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Posted  Edited by Dini
5 hours ago, jBaps said:

i’m so confused what did i say

Is this only thing you have to say about the clip? If so I guess it will remain.


You talked whilst lamb was talking and then hit a key to soundboard or your mixer soundboard of someone else saying it 

Edited by Dini

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