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JacobS's Surf Timer Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): Jacob Sartorius

SteamID: 76561198201952992


Admin that banned you: Infra

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): Server ban


Why should you be unbanned?

It's been a year now, I am sorry for messing around and being immature, I have grown alot since then. I just wanna surf again ❤️ 

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I dont know how many times we have to tell you, but you're not getting unbanned. You're not welcome here, you're likely not going to be welcome here for a very long time. If you want a genuine time frame, you can try in maybe 1-2 years time when you've matured age wise too.



Discord: Infra#0001 | Steam: /id/infra- | GitHub: /1zc

Ex-Gamer for Life




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