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Map secrets MEGATHREAD

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Posted  Edited by Mad_Father - Edit Reason: Source: private server with sv_cheats 1 and hammer (cs:go SDK)

Since I don't see a thread like this any where and people always have to look up the secrets of certain maps so I decided to create a megathread dedicated to map secrets.


I will start first:



1. Vote for surf_rebel_scaz_csgo for next map.



2. Depends on which team you are spawned on, go to your corresponding side and click the invisible button as shown in the picture,



3. Go to the opposing spawn and do the same thing there.



4. Make sure you actually pressed both button so the player_clip will break.

5. Surf toward the the ramps as shown in the picture.

6. Noticed the gigantic pillar thing while surfing, its interior will be our destination.



7. Go through that hole in on top of the map



8. Make sure that you don't touch the bottom of the map while making your way across or else you will end up in jail.

9. Go down the vertical shaft smoothly and transition to the slanted ramp. (not shown in picture)




10. Bunny hop your way across the watered platform.



11. After you reached the end, you will see a square hole with an auto-sniper inside. (Not shown in picture. If you are on surf-rpg-dm, you won't see it)



12. Jump into the hole and you will end up on over-the-top jail top. (you can buy here if you are in a normal server)







Edited by Mad_Father
Source: private server with sv_cheats 1 and hammer (cs:go SDK)


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Was gonna make a new post mad but remembered you already had it.  But instead of multiple screenshots why not just record it and upload it to GFL's youtube page?

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some people hate others that upload secrets being it gets flooded with people then no longer called one. but I always spec people when I want to know where one is XD

I'm the cs:s Division Leader


feel free to ask for help


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Posted  Edited by Mad_Father - Edit Reason: give credit

I did say I am going to keep this sub-forum barely alive so I am going to post something here everyday plus some random thread on general and off topic section.


Since almost no one knows how to surf surf_enjoy, might as post this video on how to surf to jail from spawn



from ct spawn, just surf straight toward the end of the opposite side then go into "TOP".


Have to give credit to @billbobland for showing me how to do it otherwise I won't know how to do this.


yes this is a 128 tick listen server and I apologize for quality.

Edited by Mad_Father
give credit


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