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What makes a surf map good?

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After a while, I lost interest in my previous creation so I decide to remake it with better title and stuff yea.


As the title said, what makes a surf map good? I am not asking for good qualities of any surf timer map. I am asking for good qualities of any surf deathmatch map.


Since I am not good with creativity, I must ask for you guys' opinion so I can play with map editor in spare time instead of being bored with nothing else to do.


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An open jail where there are no unfair advantages (a jail that you can only see from the outside).




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3 hours ago, Korowa said:

An open jail where there are no unfair advantages (a jail that you can only see from the outside).

To give an example of this, maps like surf_air_arena, or that dust2 map do this very well. For most new RPG players, they usually lose interest when they've been killed through an invisible wall. 


I also believe secrets are a big part of surf maps, you gotta have secrets in your surf maps to make things more interesting. (and for somewhere for Korowa to sit afk for half an hour ;D).

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Size matters. I'm no map dev but it  seems very important to get this right, you don't want the map to feel empty with 6 or so total players. This tends to happen on maps are designed for both deathmatch and Skill surf.


Visibility and versatility.

Maps which allow the use of all weapons and encourage movement are also great. Personally I think Surf_air_arena does this very well. You can play the map as a sniper but it's also easy for players to get to you with rifles. it's also easy for the sniper to see those players coming and prepare for it.


DON'T COMPLICATE IT. Most of the best maps have come from 1.6. Keep it simple overall but add some advanced quirks If you can, it's your map afterall have some fun with it and don't listen to what we tell you to do :D



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Several surf paths for  the beginners, "players", the skilled ones and pro's to ensure fun for everyone from new to pro. Don't make pro's end up in the same place as beginners since they won't like the "reward" after a hard time surfing. Make several layers in a jail is a good oppertunity where pro's end on top or behind the "players" and skilled ones. As Octavia said, lots and lots of secrets for the curious minded ::D:


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I am having a hard time thinking up a ramp layout due to my lack of creativity.


So are there any maps with good ramp layouts to take notes from?


Btw @Thomasdavid097 I would like to request a removal of the "test" map from nomination list on US server because I would like to start a new one since that one is just a test on what I can actually do with map editor.


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I guess it would depend on your theme for the map so far? Like legends is aztech like and dust maps are sandy, grass maps got green ones and so on... The best fit, I think, is to figure out what you want to tell from the map and then layer the ramps ::D:


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Posted  Edited by Worgee

I think it could be fun with some weapon themed or ct vs t theme. I would also like to see some more jungle surfs since it would be epic for making secrets and invisi walls ::D:

Edited by Worgee


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