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Is it worth having an opinion over something that doesn't affect you at all? A discussion

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Posted  Edited by Duck.

I got my philosophical on tonight and got a question for y'all. 


do you wanna have a bad time?


Sans aside, I've found in the day and age of technology and internet forums and the like, everyone feels a need to have an opinion on everything in the world. The weather, the breakfast someone ate, the girl someone likes, just random things. Is it even worth it? Having a part of your day fussing over something that doesn't affect you personally? 


To me, I only start caring about something if it affects me. Like, I have an opinion on Global Warming, because that affects me and my future, along with my future family (:omegalul:), however I don't have an opinion on the Ukraine stuff that's happening right now, or the China stuff, as I am not affected and most likely won't be at all. But you see so many people all over the internet where they seem to think that they need to have an opinion over absolutely everything in the world like they need to be validated so much.


In your guys opinion, what do you think? Is it that important to have a thought for everything in life, or do you think that you should just cruise on and not let it affect you until it spills over to you?





Edited by Duck.

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Honestly what I'm reading is ignorance is bliss. 


In my opinion I think everyone should have an opinion, but it doesn't mean you should go out of your way to express those opinions. This just means you can have an opinion and if somebody gives a fuck they'll give a fuck. Just don't go around and try to oppress other peoples opinions on matters.


You can say something isn't affecting you like the "China stuff" but in the end even if we're not geographically close or get a direct effect nonetheless because of globalization and trades you'll be affected. 


So what I'm trying to say is you can have an opinion about whatever, just don't go out of your way to ruin it for others let them have their opinions. (Doesn't mean you can discuss those opinions with them). 

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All right, this is a good question, I like this, I'll put my own two cents in here.

I personally believe it is good to have an opinion on everything that you know, even if it doesn't affect you personally, it is always good to stay informed and such. I don't fuss over small silly things like who someone likes and what someone ate for breakfast. I do believe that for those bigger things that affect a lot of people it is always good to have an opinion on them. Having an opinion doesn't necessarily mean that you will be fussing over it, it means that it does concern you and it is up to you what to do with that information, you can decide you either do some research and look at things from both sides to see it from an objective point of view or don't do anything at all and just have an opinion on a certain topic. 


However there are some people who are very opinionated and don't take the time to research and actually get to know the situation better they just speak their mind thinking that whatever their opinion is, is what others' opinions are which is not true and an irrational way of thinking, it's an opinion a subjective point of view. There are also some people who have no opinions on anything, and there is nothing wrong with that, you don't need to have an opinion on everything especially if it doesn't concern you at all, opinions are formulated by what kind of person you are, and we are not the same, so there will always be different opinions and different views on a certain topic, which is why if you do have an opinion of something, make sure you do some research before you talk about your opinion make sure it is backed up with solid facts. 


To close this up, there is nothing wrong with having no opinion on something that concerns you, and there is nothing wrong with having an opinion on everything/ a lot of things, we are humans, it is in our nature to be judgmental and formulate opinions over what we see and what we know. 


Now I throw a question at you,

Where do you draw the line where you think something doesn't affect you personally?


That is all, this is my own opinion as well. Feel free to disagree or agree with me.



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27 minutes ago, Daddy Issues said:

Now I throw a question at you,

Where do you draw the line where you think something doesn't affect you personally?

I draw the line when it starts affecting my health/safety/way of life. Like I said, Global Warming, because of our disastrous ways of living we're overheating the planet, pollution is destroying us, so that's something I have an opinion on.


Right now, all the stuff happening in China, while horrible, hasn't affected me or my way of life right now. So, as I believe any stress you can avoid, you should, I don't let it bother me at all. Only when I feel a direct affect will I go ahead and start forming my own opinion on it. Other than that, I'll steer clear as I like not having stress.


I used to be very opinionated. It caused me to lose hair and stress out beyond belief. I've got real thin hair and I'm only 24, so I'm cutting back on any and all stress I can. This includes not worrying about anything that won't affect me. And that's where I draw the line.

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6 minutes ago, Duck. said:

I draw the line when it starts affecting my health/safety/way of life. Like I said, Global Warming, because of our disastrous ways of living we're overheating the planet, pollution is destroying us, so that's something I have an opinion on.

Understandable. I agree with you, but don't you think it's also good to be opinionated on a lot of things? You gather more information through having an opinion on things. For me personally I have a lot of opinions on a lot of things yet I am not stressed about it, it is how you handle it in my opinion, just because you have a lot of opinions doesn't necessarily mean you are stressed about it. I just like having a stand on a certain topic and after that It leaves my mind until it is needed again. 


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4 hours ago, Duck. said:


To me, I only start caring about something if it affects me. Like, I have an opinion on Global Warming, because that affects me and my future, along with my future family (:omegalul:), however I don't have an opinion on the Ukraine stuff that's happening right now, or the China stuff, as I am not affected and most likely won't be at all. But you see so many people all over the internet where they seem to think that they need to have an opinion over absolutely everything in the world like they need to be validated so much.


What happens in foreign countries affects you indirectly, though it may not affect you as a person, it does affect the country you live in and the different taxes you'll have to pay, as well as expenses themselves. Say we dropped bombs on Venezuela back in 2012, back then they were the main oil supplier of the world, they had a great economy & the US would mainly buy oil products (especially gas) from them. If we would've gone to war with them (just a scenario), oil product prices would greatly rise, since Venezuela would basically outsource the oil at a cheap price (way cheaper than the Arabs), and it was closer, the price could've basically doubled. 


Let's talk about the Ukraine thing as well. Trump called the President of Ukraine and asked him to investigate Joe Biden's son's business. In the process it froze something like $391 million. The democrats are now trying to impeach him (for what? the 5th time his presidency?). He's going to release his transcripts from the call with the Ukrainian President, and what the whistleblower said was that they wouldn't find anything too "hot" on him for means of impeachment. We all know the democratic media and how they change words & such (such as Trump calling ALL Mexicans rapists & criminals, which he never did). 


My main opinion on this topic is that for smaller things in media & occurrences in the world, I don't really care. I don't care which celebrity is married to which celebrity, I don't give a shit about the Kardashian's new operation, etc. I care about the politics that happen in the world (not only America), and what the US does with/in foreign countries, and how these things will affect me as a person. I also look at both sides of the story, because Dems will try to make Trump look like a raging asshole, and the Reps will make him look like an angel. The only way I see that you get the real story is looking at both and getting the similarities.

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3 hours ago, Duck. said:

I draw the line when it starts affecting my health/safety/way of life. Like I said, Global Warming, because of our disastrous ways of living we're overheating the planet, pollution is destroying us, so that's something I have an opinion on.

I don't believe Global Warming is as massive as it's portrayed. We aren't overheating the planet.

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It's a way of of putting thoughts together.  It's not that - in it's most direct form - you care about things that don't matter to you, but your mind is learning to form an opinion; how to use strategy and present it.  You learn from the feedback and challenges, or people accept the idea.  You win either way in my opinion.


If you only cared about things that really mattered...

...  The extra math problems you practice beyond your homework don't matter because you don't get points.

...  The homework problems don't matter because the real points come from your exam.

...  Hell...  the exam and class doesn't matter because it's not a paid job.

Let's stipulate that you're super lucky and you've scored a job as engineer who will need to use math in their career: These formulas support the instrumentation that the aircraft uses, the controls in your car, the structural stability in the bridge you're crossing or the roof over your head.  Would it even matter if any of those things failed so long as it doesn't affect you?  I know this is largely an exaggeration (an appeal to extremes), but I'm trying to drive a point that can map easily to many other scenarios.


You practice for years on useless and seemingly meaningless things, but it prepares you for something real.  It's not time to learn how to form an opinion and present when things actually matter.  You're already too late by then.


Lastly: Who cares if it doesn't matter?  If you enjoy it, then go for it.  I personally highly frown upon who throw the "you care too much" phrase as a response to opinions; my guess would be they're probably not doing much in the world anyways because they don't care about anything besides caring that people might be caring too much.


The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war." - Hyman G. Rickover


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It's not worth having an opinion about everything else. A few thing that are worth sharing opinions: something you like, e.g. A product, a game, a genre of something you do, and things that affects you. Sharing an opinion on something that doesn't affect you (e.g., eating food, people being religious, etc.) is kind of unnecessary. You're just wasting your time sharing it when others doesn't need your opinion unless they've asked. 


Climate change, as example is something that affects us. I believe that it is already happening and evidence is everywhere. 


Another example of something that affects us is overpopulation, which is also happening. We need to combat that and take control of populations, encourage others to use protection. 





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To clear things up a bit,yes I do have thoughts on things. But thoughts =/= opinions. Like I know about the bad that's happening overseas but I'm choosing not to have an opinion about it as I'm an outside source. Until it starts affecting me or my family, that's when I'll be forming my opinions. Like if the China stuff starts impacting our trade system here in NZ, then I'll get my opinion on how bad it'd be for me as a consumer. Until then, I'll happily just have thoughts on the matters.

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5 hours ago, TheSadBandit said:

I don't believe Global Warming is as massive as it's portrayed. We aren't overheating the planet.


There's plenty of evidence that it's worse than how most people view it. The AVERAGE temperature of the planet goes up by 1 is still huge, imagine how big the planet is then imagine how much energy it takes to heat it up.


Certain areas are way hotter than what it's supposed to be at, at other areas colder than it's supposed to be at but in the end the AVERAGE temperature is still higher. This will and is causing a lot of issues, if you go to countries close to the ocean level they're being flooded and people are being forced into homelessness etc. This is not shown commonly and remains unknown to a lot of people in the western countries. 


Just because it's not showing any harsh symptoms now doesn't mean it'll stay like this, a lot of scientists believe that there's a threshold that may be exceeded and will cause chain reactions that will result in irreversible damage. (Like a bunch of dominos falling on each other that gets bigger and bigger).

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Posted  Edited by TheSadBandit
9 minutes ago, Time said:


There's plenty of evidence that it's worse than how most people view it. The AVERAGE temperature of the planet goes up by 1 is still huge, imagine how big the planet is then imagine how much energy it takes to heat it up.


Certain areas are way hotter than what it's supposed to be at, at other areas colder than it's supposed to be at but in the end the AVERAGE temperature is still higher. This will and is causing a lot of issues, if you go to countries close to the ocean level they're being flooded and people are being forced into homelessness etc. This is not shown commonly and remains unknown to a lot of people in the western countries. 


Just because it's not showing any harsh symptoms now doesn't mean it'll stay like this, a lot of scientists believe that there's a threshold that may be exceeded and will cause chain reactions that will result in irreversible damage. (Like a bunch of dominos falling on each other that gets bigger and bigger).


It's an 8-9 year old video, but the environment doesn't drastically change in 9 years. 


Edited by TheSadBandit

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10 minutes ago, Time said:

This will and is causing a lot of issues, if you go to countries close to the ocean level they're being flooded and people are being forced into homelessness etc. 

I haven't read a single article, heck, I haven't even seen it with my own eyes. I used to live in Central America, near sea level 0 (which means where you're at the same level as the ocean basically). The only time I've heard of flooding is due to hurricanes & storms, but that's just something that happens naturally. 

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Posted  Edited by Time

@TheSadBandit He's not the greenpeace founder, he's a canadian industrial consultant so go figure why he's placing doubt in greenhouse effect. 


Also travel to countries like Bangladesh, you'll see how the floods are affecting the locals there. As said it's not something commonly known.


Check out the image beneath, central america is not flagged as "Critical".



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1 minute ago, Time said:

@TheSadBandit He's not the greenpeace founder, he's a canadian industrial consultant so go figure why he's placing doubt in greenhouse effect. 

I'm not the owner of the video, though after watching it I did have some questions as to who the guy was. He wasn't the founder, you're right, but he is a past president for Greenpeace. It still doesn't change the fact that pushing for Global warming, and global cooling, and climate change are all scare tactics. They go where the money's at, and there's  lot of it going into environmental research, hence why 10 years ago it was called "Global Warming" and now it's "Climate Change", because Earth isn't only warming up, but it's completing it's cold & warm cycles like it has been since... ever?

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Posted  Edited by Time
24 minutes ago, TheSadBandit said:

the environment doesn't drastically change in 9 years. 


Does that's the scary part, in none of the previous cycles had the coral reefs bleached this badly. There weren't this much algae in the seas and trees were not deforested/interrupted from their natural wildfire cycles. And yes it is a way of earning a lot of money for some people, but same can be applied to anything really. To make an example I'll use the contrast example; A lot of people use fear tactics saying that robots will take your jobs and to stop development of AI and robots. Mainly this is targeted at factory workers, truckers and more does people make a immense amount of money using this? Yes. Does everyone do it? No. 


Does this mean all truckers and factory workers should be screwed over? Of course not, but a couple politicians are dense and only looking shortsightedly at the issue. If I were to use history as an example like you I would simply say "This is just part of the natural cycle, look at the industrial revolution everyone thought they were stealing jobs and more jobs was lost but in fact a lot of new jobs came up with it that didn't exist previously and therefore replaced the old jobs with more efficient jobs. This means AI will create more jobs etc." <-- Not a proven fact, just a wild guess as we don't know exactly how the AI thing will play out, what it will do and so much more because it's not HUMAN. We usually tend to add human tendencies  to their thought which is wrong and inefficient IMO. Just look at some of the solutions that has been presented, like universal income as Andrew Yang has been screaming about the last couple years.


There's some good people out there that don't give a flying fuck about money because they already got plenty & aren't greedy. Look at Bill Gates for example richest man alive, look how much he's doing to try to develop the third world countries. Why? Because more development = future proof for his children etc,  humanitarian aid usually gives people a feelsgoodman so he probably can sleep well. 


Also if you want to further discuss this please do so in the PM's so we don't flood this thread.

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If we're really going to talk about the past, here's a graph/timeline of the temperatures since about 500 million years ago. The temperature rises & falls. The terms that scientists use to describe this phenomena change, it's changed in the past 30 years like 3 times. In the 70s it was called Global Cooling, and the scientists back then thought there was going to be another ice age & everyone was going to freeze to death. In the early 2000s it was called Global Warming, and we were heating up the Earth so much all the polar ice caps would melt, and they estimated it was going to be at around 2020 when we would all die to flash flooding & the whole Earth would be underwater, and we were destroying the ozone layer because they found a hole. Now it's called Climate Change. The terms change, the funding is always there, and the scientists researching this profit off of it. I agree with the Trump administration in cutting the funds for it, there was $118 billion put into research grants for climate change, which is way too much.

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Posted  Edited by Supreme leader 049

Did this thread just turn into a global warming debate?





I mean, I'm not complaining. This is pretty entertaining.

Edited by Supreme leader 049

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To not even go off-topic a little bit more further, I made a thread for Climate Change in order for the thread to not get hijacked:

Let's get the thread on topic, please.





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