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Suggestion Megathread

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Since the website was reworked, the original suggestion thread by admin Radify is lost in oblivion, so I decided to create a new thread dedicated to the old non existent thread.


Here are some of my suggestions:

Sky skate (variation of ice skating from css mg, requires the knowledge of basic air strafe, rules depends on admin)

Do something fun on x day (make something up)


Share your suggestions and the community will be appreciated.


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3 hours ago, Mad_Father said:

Since the website was reworked, the original suggestion thread by admin Radify is lost in oblivion, so I decided to create a new thread dedicated to the old non existent thread.


Here are some of my suggestions:

Sky skate (variation of ice skating from css mg, requires the knowledge of basic air strafe, rules depends on admin)

Do something fun on x day (make something up)


Share your suggestions and the community will be appreciated.

wym sky skate? bruh i came up the idea....smh and its called Space Wars duh


Retired Admin for CS:GO SURF RPG DM

 Synthwave is my shit

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Posted  Edited by Mad_Father - Edit Reason: less severe commenting
17 hours ago, Radify25 said:

wym sky skate? bruh i came up the idea....smh and its called Space Wars duh

oops, forgot the name already.

Oh really? since when do you know that you can put a number less than 1>x>0 into sm_gravity? Oh wait, you didn't, 

Not to mention you are completely oblivious about this when I first did this and you didn't even know how to strafe.

Your idea really? you just changed the name of it, You didn't even know this was a thing before I put in the lowest value possible.

at least give credit to the guy who showed you the thing.

Edited by Mad_Father
less severe commenting


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  • 2 weeks later...

Since no one barely post in this sub-forum, I guess I will keep posting something from time to time to keep it somehow alive then.


I was told that reduced fall damage can be a thing on RPG by one of the ex-regular who is now an admin of another rpg server. 


I was constantly asked when will !store come back.


Have been on CS:S Surf RPG DM's sub-forum and saw the idea of sticky nade, which gave me a nolstalgia on an old CS:S ,g server that I used to play on.


So yea I would try to post something here everyday to keep it barely alive.


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I saw someone mention throwing knives in the css forum.  Thomas replied that it was already a havoc issue as is.  But that would be badass.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Since people always ask whether there will be another rpg reset and when, how about posting a perm notice on server printing out the reset date from time to time. 


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Took me too long to remember this but,

People are demanding for !store to be added back.

I think this is possible now since Valve has raised the precache limit on maps during the patch back in Feburary I think.


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3 minutes ago, -SL said:

the store would be nice.  did you have to spend actual money for percs or were they acquired differently


the currency was given to the players for playing on the server, depends on their status on gfl, some of us may get more points than others, for example supporters/vip can get more points than regular member cuz they donate


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there is a store on go, but from what I saw it's still buggy. throwing knives has been added but it bugs with the rtd plugin I think Roy is still looking into it not sure.

I'm the cs:s Division Leader


feel free to ask for help


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  • 3 weeks later...
Just now, CodyTheFallenAngel said:

Can we get the long jump please oh please long jump. I will do anything for long jump

Long jump is with the old dice plugin but @Thomasdavid097 said he won't be putting the old dice plugin back. If you still insist on long jump then I can only tell you to go play on EU rpg surf dm because they have long jump.


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