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My old GFL Account can't be accessed?

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So, I play on the gfl servers a lot, but when I saw the forums were up, I tried signing in. It said my credentials were wrong, not word by word of course, but I had written them down. I tried signing in with my steam, but it made me create a new account, which really confused me. My rank was member, but now I have this, "newbie" account. 

Can you please help me?

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The forums have been reset completely. When the new application system is up and running, everyone will have to reapply for member and so on.

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Well, it shouldn't affect that at all. An admin should be active in-game and help players out. Your application will heavily rely on your in-game capabilities and activity. (I'm not sure about the posting requirements, which we had before. It may or may not come back)

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