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Moving the New Member tab

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I thought it would be great if the newest member tab can moved at the top of the page and that new members and others can see.


It may get more people to sign up for member. 

Updated: 1/11/22 (MM/DD/YY)


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I personally don't think it should. It is a nice way but the purpose that you chose might not make sense. Being a member is only a choice. The only time it is required is of you using it for shop or store, applying for staff, or entering giveaways... etc. 


credits to @Clavers

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I don't think we have a shortage of people applying for members, but if we did, then it would be inherent of a shortage of people joining our community.


Treat the forums like a Resume: You want the important things on the top, and you want to catch the audience's attention.  I agree with you that there is something missing, and I've seen something else included at the top on other/past communities; it really enhanced their activity and improved the community, but I'm hesitant to say anything since my perspective and ideas are not appreciated here.


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