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virtuoso karma ban

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Posted  Edited by Deathwish - Edit Reason: clarifying certain things

Name: virtuoso


Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:152565760


Banned by: CONSOLE


Ban reason: Karma too low


Why you should be unbanned:
I killed 2 rdming innocents, 1 innocent which didnt id bodies after being called to and pompous.egg (inno) who was following a kos that another inno picked from the inno i killed for rdming.

Edited by Deathwish
clarifying certain things

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13 minutes ago, Deathwish said:

Name: virtuoso


Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:152565760


Banned by: CONSOLE


Ban reason: Karma too low


Why you should be unbanned:
I killed 2 rdming innocents, 1 innocent which didnt id bodies after being called to and pompous.egg (inno) who was following a kos that another inno picked from the inno i killed for rdming.

Not a admin... but.. you had a total of four innocent kills. Before you were karma banned. 

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Sorry for the late reply.


I've gone ahead and unbanned you since it was first offense, and Severely checked the reports.


Please watch your karma next time.













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