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Vouching [Information]

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Today we will be taking a in-depth looking into vouching people for an position as Trial Admin/Admin
When giving your vouch to someone, you need to be professional about how you approach the person and their application.

Good Example(s):

Quote:Nico. I really like you. I think that one day you will be a good addition to the blue team. However, I do not feel you are ready yet. There are still times where you call the day improperly and are still not 100% comfortable with the rules. There are still many rules in which you ask questions about and are unsure of. It's good to ask questions and to make sure you know the rules, however, it's not good to see an admin unsure on how a rule functions. The last time I saw you calling a day, you were either counting down for things that you didn't have to count down for, such as freeze, or not counting down for things that you needed to count down for. If I had complete and total control over who got admin and who did not, I'm afraid I would not accept you. You haven't been with us for very long and you still have a lot to learn, as I'm sure other people have seen. Do you call fun days? Yes. Do you call those fun days properly? No. I've also seen you freak out on people who freekilled you and get pretty disrespectful towards them because of it. That is not a behavior that an admin should have. I think you need to be with us for longer. You're active and call more days, but if being active and calling days is all it took to be an admin, a majority of our server would be admin.

Always remember to give your reason why you are vouching as your opinion counts.

Please take note, if you don't provide a reason for your vouch then we will not count it when deciding the final verdict for that applicant.

You should only be giving negative vouches if:

  • If this person has been breaking rules
  • Doesn't meet the official requirements (unless he was told to apply)
  • The person is clearly beyond a doubt not fit for the role of an admin (always try to have evidence)


-Do not list your opinion on the person with things like bullet points, stars etc. Form sentences instead and possibly a paragraph. We expect professional responses from admins when vouching.

-Do not under any circumstances give people vouches or no vouches if you are clearly NOT an admin on that server. Leave that to the people who administrate that server as they may see the person see things do things you might not.

-Don't give a rude response or punishment will follow, just simply state why they have received a #No Vouch

Now here are some bad examples of vouches that I have seen happen that really shouldn't be happening:

Bad example(s):

  • Bought me CS 1.6 
  • Is my brother from another mother


  • This is one example of one invalid reasoning for vouching but you get the idea.
Quote:#No Vouch
  •  I don't like you
  •  you just got unbanned so why are you applying now?


  • The person is letting personal opinion get in the way of decision making
  • It is not that persons job to say that he can't apply now since he just got unbanned, it is the Server Managers call.

Please take this guide into consideration when giving vouches and we hope you make the right choices for who you want as an admin.
Might edit this later on when I'm back home!

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11 minutes ago, HopsiN said:

It is not that persons job to say that he can't apply now since he just got unbanned, it is the Server Managers c

And why do you think That when it's f.x a requirement on JB That you CANNOT have any recent bans/kicks/mutes etc

This is the second post without good research on the main topic, maybe you should check up on the situations, requirements and more before stating big things like this?

14 minutes ago, HopsiN said:

Do not list your opinion on the person with things like bullet points, stars etc. Form sentences instead and possibly a paragraph. We expect professional responses from admins when vouching.

Isn't This up to the manager? F.x DR, JB and others use a format That shows proffesionalism and still divided into short specific sentnces to sum up the pro/con/work on. 


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1 hour ago, Worgee said:

Would you mind rephrasing This? 

He said he created that as an example and that it isn't in any relation to jailbreak.


credits to @Clavers

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I do believe Worgee's second point of bulletted lists being useful still stands. Which would you rather read while applying for admin a brief an concise report of the reasons you should improve like the replies to my app on DR(link) or a wall of text with a large amount of repetitive information(examples you posted). A bulletted list does the following:

  • presents information in a concise clear manner that makes misinterpretations less common
  • allows irrelevant or redundant information to be skipped more quickly
  • allows for the categorization into sections of responses such as pros and cons
  • makes information that would normally require a wall of text easy to reference and read

While unfortunately ego feeding I do believe my admin application for DR(link) is a quality example of the concept put into proper use. One would find an application with that much information written in a paragraph format to be very difficult and unenjoyable to read and likely confusing. Scenarios like this and the utility of the concept are why they are so commonly employed in GFL.

Former CSGO Deathrun Admin

Former CSGO TTT Manager

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On 6/8/2017 at 11:10 PM, SwegBuster said:

All I want to know is what position of power are you in? Why did you make this? Is it alright with the manager you did this for?

It's a copy pasta from another forum, look at his other post I linked to the source.

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6 hours ago, Syntax said:

It's a copy pasta from another forum, look at his other post I linked to the source.

You already told them it's copy & paste from this thread: 

And you respond back to sweg after a month later. 


credits to @Clavers

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