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SCP Roles in breach

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Posted  Edited by Duc2000


I know Kite already made a post for the main roles, and Severely made one explaining a basic part of all SCPs but I'm making this one to tell all about each SCP and some suggestions for how to play them. I will add pictures later. The links are to the official page for each SCP.

For every single SCP (but 035):

Kill everyone and escape the facility.

They are either completely close range (touch someone) or medium area effect.

Unless stated otherwise, primary will break glass


Close range

Health: 1700

Damage: (primary): 30 (Secondary):N/A


If you use your primary attack, you will teleport the person who you attack to your pocket dimension, dealing 30 damage. You will gain 100 health from this as well. You can access your pocket dimension through the corrosion in your spawn area. You can hunt people down and kill them in your pocket dimensionYou spawn is near the entrance zone and the MTF, so head there first. You can catch them heading towards the checkpoint to the right of your spawn. Wait by doors for people to come through, and get them then. Find another SCP to help you finish them off.


Close range


Health: 1700

Damage: (Primary): 100 (Secondary): 0

If someone is looking at you, you will be immobile. If you are able to get close to someone, use your primary to kill them. You may need to push LMB multiple times for it to work. Your secondary will blind all who are near. You can only use it when someone is blinking/not looking at you. It recharges every 30 seconds. You will spawn near the class D spawn. Try to single people out, as in a group you are screwed. If you are caught by someone with a weapon and the are shooting you, close the nearest door between you two. Try to find a way around people to get them from behind.


Close range

Picture here


Health: 1400

Damage: (primary): N/A (secondary): N/A

When you use your primary on someone, you will turn them into 049-2. Try to amass an army. Find groups of people. Hide by doors. You will spawn underground. Wait until the round begins, then break the glass. Turn right and go to the elevator. You will be near a LCZ (light containment zone) checkpoint where you come out. Let your minions kill some people, but you are more likely to escape if you turn as many people as possible.Use your minions to take fire as you turn people. If you can not turn people, find another SCP to help you.

SCP 049-2


Health: 750

Damage: (primary): (secondary): 100

If you are turned into 049-2, follow 049. You will lose all of your stuff. Do not get separated. Kill people if you want to, or let 049 turn them. Mainly use your secondary, since it has no recharge. Try to escape. Corner people.

SCP 682

Close range


Health: 1800

Damage: (primary): 100 (secondary): 0

682 spawns near some stairs. You an go up either one, one leads to the MTF and one leads to the LCZ. It doesn't really matter which one you pick. 682 is very powerful. He kills people with one touch. His secondary makes him go fast for a few seconds, and takes some time to recharge. Doors slow him down. Wait for a group of people, then use his secondary. NOTE: He is very slow. So slow, in fact, that he can not make it through the door timer unless he uses his secondary.

Medium range


Health: 750

Damage: (Primary): 20 (secondary): 0

SCP 1048-A is a bear made of ears. Your primary causes you to scream, hurting people in an area. You will spawn in a hallway connecting 079's room to the HCZ (Heavy Containment Zone). Go to the door on the right. Head out and turn to your right. If you will keep walking, you will reach a checkpoint for the LCZ. Find groups of people and get them. People who stay near you will lose 20 health every couple seconds as long as you are screaming. They will attempt to run away, so try to trap people. Find another SCP to help you. Your secondary breaks glass.

SCP 966

Medium range


Health: 1000

Damage: (primary): In the range of 15-36 (secondary): N/A

As 966, people will not be able to see you unless they have Night Vision Goggles (NVG) with Night Vision turned on. His secondary disorients people. You will spawn in 096's room. Head through either door, the right one leads to the MTF. Only a small amount of NVGs spawn near them, so a large group will be easy to take out. Sneak around people if they are too hard to kill.

SCP 066

Medium range


Health: 1000

Damage: (primary): 10 damage every 1/2 second (thanks @Xy_) (secondary): 0

SCP 066 spawns across from 035's area. He is down some stairs near a coffin. When you go out is large door, turn to the right. You will need to go down the elevator into 049's place to get out. Your primary plays music loud enough to kill people. Your secondary breaks glass. Find groups of people.

SCP 457

Medium range


Health: 1800

Damage: If you are near someone, and they don't move, it will take awhile to kill them. If you get someone and they move away, it will do about 12 damage over a couple seconds.

SCP 457 has been hated for awhile. He isn't that good, unless you know how to play him. Find groups and corner them. Get people through walls. The most common strategy is to wait at a door and wait fro someone to come to it and open it, at which point they will be burned. Close the door and repeat. This works a lot. When you exit your spawn, turning to the right will lead towards the LCZ, and keeping straight will lead to the Entrance zone, where the MTF are.

SCP 035

Far range


Health: 250

Damage: Whatever weapon he has. He starts with an AK-47

035 is unique. He can hold things. He spawns with an AK-47 and a level 2 keycard. And he can choose to help the researchers, and he must kill the MTF. The big thing is that he can not kill Class Ds. He helps them and other SCPs escape. 035 spawns across from 066's spawn. Do the same thing for him as you do 066, but turn left first. Find class Ds. I suggest not killing researchers and saving your ammo for MTF. But, if you find more ammo or another gun, kill researchers. Do not attack researchers with a weapon. You do not have much health. If you see someone in MTF armor, go up to them to see what their role really is. Do not just shoot because of the armor. If they shoot you, though, shoot back. But, maybe creep up so you don't waste ammo by missing.


I believe that's all. If I forgot any, please tell me and I will add them. Tell me about mistakes as well. I will also add pictures later.

Thanks for reading!

Edited by Duc2000

“I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.”
― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

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Posted  Edited by Duc2000
24 minutes ago, Severely_Artistic said:

you literally copied my fucking post but put in HP and damage


I started making this last night. I saw you post yours and thought about not doing it. But mine is different. I didn't copy yours at all. We just kinda had the same idea.

Edited by Duc2000

“I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.”
― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

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