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Zebrass's Ban Appeal

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Name: Zebrass


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:216548711


Banned by:  Senpai i think


Ban reason:  Aim Hacking???


Why you should be unbanned: Because I wasen't. all i do is aim for the head and everyone thinks im hacking for some reason. I WOULD HAVE BEEN BANNED BY CAKE IF I WAS CHEATING.

you ban be with no proof whatsoever.


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5 minutes ago, Zebrass said:

Name: Zebrass


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:216548711


Banned by:  Senpai i think


Ban reason:  Aim Hacking???


Why you should be unbanned: Because I wasen't. all i do is aim for the head and everyone thinks im hacking for some reason. I WOULD HAVE BEEN BANNED BY CAKE IF I WAS CHEATING.

you ban be with no proof whatsoever.


mr violator seem to think you were aimbotting to. i was spectating you. you had some very shaky shots and you had veeery snappy reactions. preeeety sure that was an aimbot.

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3 minutes ago, SenpaiapneS said:

mr violator seem to think you were aimbotting to. i was spectating you. you had some very shaky shots and you had veeery snappy reactions. preeeety sure that was an aimbot.

i don't understand what you mean? you saw me shoot that guy who was in the water. if i was hacking wouldn't i have killed him?

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2 minutes ago, Zebrass said:

i don't understand what you mean? you saw me shoot that guy who was in the water. if i was hacking wouldn't i have killed him?

??? what does that have to do with anything?

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Just now, SenpaiapneS said:

??? what does that have to do with anything?

ok yes i was hacking I ADMIT IT! i use citizenhack and idc if i'm banned here i'll just go on my alt accounts and you'll never know hahahah

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1 minute ago, Zebrass said:

ok yes i was hacking I ADMIT IT! i use citizenhack and idc if i'm banned here i'll just go on my alt accounts and you'll never know hahahah


we'll figure you out.

we always will.

(Violator, back me up pls)

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1 minute ago, Zebrass said:

ok yes i was hacking I ADMIT IT! i use citizenhack and idc if i'm banned here i'll just go on my alt accounts and you'll never know hahahah

You're fucking dumb


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Just now, SenpaiapneS said:


we'll figure you out.

we always will.

(Violator, back me up pls)

i promise you, you won't. good luck with your server ;)

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@Violator if you wanna ban him here too :^)


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