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Please unmute

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Hi this is Space asking for an unmute on GFL zombie escape server. I was muted for daring the admin to mute me, it was all in good fun.  Inleast I think I was muted for the that reason because it was never explicitly stated.


Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:56122860

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You were muted by @SpaceCow, i'll tag him and he'll explain what you did.

Although from sourcebans, i can see that you have 22 mutes on record, DO note that the mutes STACK meaning the more mutes you have, the longer the length of the duration.

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You were not muted for asking for a mute tho. You were muted because of spamming way too much and trolling on your mic. I was there if it wasn't SpaceCow muting you, I would have, you were pushing some of the admins on including me to point we needed to mute you. 

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As you can see, you were muted before that so called "dare of yours".

Even pissed of some of the admins currently online on that time.

including @Val3rio @BraveSky. I explained stuff and warned you also but all you do is nag and complain about your mute. thus snowy said, you have a lot of stack mutes also you can see it for your self if you want. so it should be necessary for you to have that week mute.




Here's your list of mutes.

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