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suggestion for 939

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this is for @Xy_ being server manager. i was talking with another admin about it, and I thought since 939 is supposed to take on other voices of players, maybe the last person it kills, it takes on their name in tab. An example, if I was 939, and I killed Xy, in tab, xy would still be alive, but my name wouldnt be there. When i killed someone else, it would show Xy dead, but the last person I killed alive. maybe it would be tweaked, but you should get the idea. If it is possible, I think it would add a cool touch, since it is already under reaserchers. just a suggestion.

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Posted  Edited by Duc2000


Oh wait this isn't her admin app?



Still, this is a good suggestion but with all the stuff Xy is working on right now I see it very far down on his list but still. +1

Edited by Duc2000

“I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.”
― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

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Such +1 That's a pretty neat idea! @Aquaticfilly0 Kudos to you for thinking of that



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It wouldn't work. I suggested this to XY before actually, and we agreed it would be pretty useless. If someone with a high-pitched voice like mine tries to pose as ANYONE else, it's not going to fucking work at all and I'll be immediately marked as 939. It's stupid. On the flipside, if I appear as someone who is known to use the mic alot, and suddenly start only typing, that will also raise the red flag that I am 939.


TL;DR - Good idea, but meta-game would be way too easy though. The only thing I say needs a change is the huge model size. Although if 939 appeared as a D-class OR Researcher, that would make it less easy to meta-game against.


Otherwise, 939 is by far one of the strongest SCPs.

- 2nd Fastest BASE Speed in the game (Not including specials), can almost outrun someone in an MTF Guard vest

- Extremely powerful melee attack

- The ability to socially engineer and lure prey to YOU. Nobody tries this for some reason and complains 939 is underpowered, which is fuckin' stupid.


939 needs no more changes otherwise.

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Posted  Edited by Duc2000 - Edit Reason: AUTOCORRECT!!!!!

I have a suggestion. Make 939 able to do [researcher] in chat and the name color would be blue. 

Aqua's idea is still better. 

Also, it isn't sort of obvious there is a 939 when the numbers don't add up. 939 is going to be doing no luring on multiple breaches. 

Edited by Duc2000

“I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.”
― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

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