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Brexit + Gaming = ???

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Hey Guys, I'm from the UK and the news about the Brexit vote is surely not unheard of by now. If you don't know what I mean then what I am saying is that the UK is leaving the EU, but what does this mean for gaming in the UK? I looked up some article and news reports and essentially some developers based in the UK, both AAA and indie will struggle to develop and publish games forcing them to move out to different EU countries. But I have one more question which hasn't been answered. When UK players go on multiplayer we normally play on the EU!!!!!! servers but if we are out does this affect this? if you know pls tell me besides from that what are your though on how the gaming industry is affected by the Brexit vote

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I am fairly sure that it will not affect what servers you play on and such. It shouldn't hit developers too hard, either. Britain is not the only country that's on its own out there.


Anyway, I am sure @Shuruia can give you an even better answer.

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EU in a gaming sense (among others) does not stand for European Union; it's an abbreviation of Europe. We aren't leaving Europe at all (which is impossible), we're just leaving a trade union. This will not affect the servers that you choose to play on. After all, Americans already play on EU servers whilst Europeans opt to play on NA servers if that is their wish.


As for game developers leaving the UK, it'll mostly come down to franchise licensing issues that may arise from Brexit. These issues (as with issues that may arise in other industries) will not be permanent. If anything, it'll be more expensive and damaging to studios for them to pack up and leave to a country that may not even remain in the European Union after all.


All in all, the video game industry will barely be affected by it.


I won't take a photo—I'll tell it through words.

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Posted  Edited by TSARGA
On 10/07/2016 at 3:26 PM, JNota said:

I looked up some article and news reports and essentially some developers based in the UK, both AAA and indie will struggle to develop and publish games forcing them to move out to different EU countries.

Shitty developers will move out to different EU countries in hunt for EU subventions.

Good developers will move to the UK in hunt for lower taxes.


On 10/07/2016 at 3:48 PM, Shuruia said:

If anything, it'll be more expensive and damaging to studios for them to pack up and leave to a country that may not even remain in the European Union after all.




On 10/07/2016 at 3:26 PM, JNota said:

When UK players go on multiplayer we normally play on the EU!!!!!! servers but if we are out does this affect this?


Edited by TSARGA

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16 minutes ago, TSARGA said:



I don't speak for any developers so what I said is purely hypothetical. OP's aforementioned scenario is that developers may leave the UK in favour of a country that is in the EU. Given that Euroscepticism is on the rise in many locations that fall within the latter category, the developers may very well be wasting their time and money to leave the UK by virtue of it leaving the EU since their destination country won't necessarily remain in the EU either.


I won't take a photo—I'll tell it through words.

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