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Best way to forget things

I need: Help to forget someone and some events that lead to my psychotic Deranged state of mind
also best way to fall asleep haven't really been sleeping for the last two weeks either.... sleeping pills not work 

Please Help -BNK-


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Posted  Edited by CheapTactic

Hmm, turn to help first of all?Don't avoid issues, face them and if you need help with them, don't shy out from asking help from your close circles, if not they may come back and bite you in the ass even harder in the future,


But if you need to forget someone hmmm, then one suggestion, do different things, always do something that you love, reading, sports or thinking about other things and get interested in them.

Find the triggers that bring up the memories and try to avoid them...I would guess.


Hmmm, falling asleep?Due to nightmares or what?Try warm milk, and maybe a bit of honey(I did it when I had constant nightmares and irrational paranoid like thoughts), read very long books, or watch to long videos on youtube, in the end you should get bored and sleepy and resort to go to sleep.


I don't know though, hope it will pass as fast as possible.

Edited by CheapTactic






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I'll tell you my old meditation trick for falling asleep- Relax. Loosen up your body. Inhale through your nose, slowly, and deeply. Hold it in for a moment. Visualize the air you inhale as a 'cool' color, such as blue. Visualize it going into your mouth, down your throat, and into your lungs. Visualize it swirling around.

Then, exhale slowly and deeply. Visualize this as a 'warm' color, such as red. Visualize it coming back up your throat, and gently billowing from your mouth and it dispersing into the air.

Repeat. Focus only on this, and nothing else. Just relax. And make sure you do this to comfortable ends. Don't inhale too deep, or exhale too much, whatever.


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I've had more than my fair share of mental/emotional issues, and I can fairly say, you wanna find -some- kind of help. Not necessarily professional, but someone. A good friend will do you better than a professional in some cases, but I don't know how severely compromised you are. I managed to get through my issues by a measure of willpower and a good friend to help me stand. I was able to fix myself over time.


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First off Joshy your awesome for quoting frank and second when life has you down just hope on a game and kill some shit that always help me and as for sleeping try masturbating for a while and just tire your self out


The Legendary DeathTheKid




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