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Stay safe wherever you go and remember to be aware of your surroundings.


I say this in the event that you're vacationing anywhere that might be hotspots for a terrorist attack, and in the event that you go somewhere that is naturally just dangerous like Yellowstone.


Anyway, see you when you come back.

"Be good people"

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Vacation is nice but dam mine's has been getting moved all over the place. From Europe, no terror attack to Japan, no too expensive, to Alaska, no can always do that since we are American, to a Nordic vacation, no too fucking cold. :lenny: Hope all is well and you're designated vacation planner did their job well. :lenny:


We all start out as idealists only to slowly but surely become realists one day, the likes of which we'd never imagine we would become. Meanwhile we stare back at new idealists and see a reflection of what we once were.


Facing reality to get through life.


:cockatiel: I drink birds alive and whole while petting them :cockatiel:




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