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strawberry crab

A disconcerting glitch

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If this glitch has been reported already please disregard this post. 


Recently there's been a glitch with certain items being unpickable.  This glitch occurs at EZ near 860, 939's containment basement and gate b with the shotgun. This doesn't appear to a problem with the item more or less the locations themselves below is a link to the shotgun that can't be picked up at certain instances. I've laid down my mp5 as mtf commander to show that it wasn't excepting it because slot 4 was full.  i can show more pictures and even video if needed.




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1 hour ago, Xy said:

Time 2 remove shotty finally ;)


@Xy i wasn't advocating for the removal of the shotgun if that's what you mean by "shotty" Though do as you must. Personally what I'd do and I know I am not alone on this opinion is to make it reloadable for people other than dr.clef. give it a proper weapon icon and make it somewhat stronger. I've talked with some of the other players on the server regarding the shotgun it doesn't seem to be terrible it's just things like the p90 and ak47 seem to better alternatives.


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