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Forceman Ban Appeal

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Posted  Edited by ForcemanCB



Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60504195


Banned by: @BeanSparrow2206 or @Franchize


Ban reason: Ghosting


Why you should be unbanned: I have no history of ghosting, There was a KOS on Best Warden so I repeated to everyone that there was and then killed him. Then called a kos and killed (I believed) jarrett_jewart for taking a sniper shot at another player  and I id'd the body and was banned with the reason ghosting. I've always been careful of my kos and kills and have been slayed for killing innos. But never this! 

Edited by ForcemanCB

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Why is that? I really do enjoy this server and don't get the reason for the ban. As far as I know no one was even part of my friends list. I just wanna play on the only server that has admins online frequently. 

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