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GFL community stream

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Basically the idea is GFL could organise a community twitch stream that has a schedule to be streaming at multiple times during the day. GFL has members from across the globe so it shouldn't be hard to find streamers for all time zones. Members could apply for a streamer position based on certain requisitions and we could give streamers a time to stream a game of their choice (whether it be a GFLclan server, or just gaming with the gfl community). Not only would this promote GFL but it would help gfl with revenue (direct stream donations)


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One would think that with how many people stream and how many people are a part of GFL, that we would be able to find people who would want to stream for GFL, but that is very hard to do. I think in part it's caused by a lack of information so we're definitely going to try to fix that. Anyway, we do actually have a twitch channel as Wailord noted. 

"Be good people"

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